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Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding, 3/Ed > 심리학


Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding, 3/Ed
판매가격 76,000원
저자 Maddux
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Routledge
발행언어 영어
발행일 2012-3
페이지수 578
ISBN 9780415887908
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
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    도서 상세설명

    Part I: Thinking About Psychopathology. Maddux, Gosselin, Winstead, Conceptions of Psychopathology: A Social Constructionist Perspective. Smith, Biological Bases of Psychopathology. Lopez, Guarnaccia, Cultural Dimensions of Psychopathology: The Social World\'s Impact on Mental Disorders. Winstead, Sanchez, The Role of Gender, Race, and Class in Psychopathology. Widiger, Classification and Diagnosis: Historical Development and Contemporary Issues. Garb, Lilienfeld, Fowler, Psychological Assessment and Clinical Judgment. Stewart, Chambless, Psychotherapy Research.

    Part II: Common Problems of Adulthood. Williams, Anxiety Disorders. Alloy, LaBelle, Boland, Goldstein, Jenkins, Shapero, Black, Obraztsova, Mood Disorders. Kestler, Bollini, Hochman, Mittal, Walker, Schizophrenia. Presnall, Widiger, Personality Disorders. Gosselin, Sexual Dysfunctions and Disorders. Eifert, McCormack, Zvolensky, Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders. Klostermann, Kelley, Substance Use Disorders. Fiske, Ciliberti, Gould, Nadorff, Nadorff, Nazem, Stahl, Clegg-Kraynok, Mental Health and Aging.

    Part III: Common Problems of Childhood and Adolescence. Zeman, Suveg, Developmental Psychopathology: Basic Principles. Kimonis, Frick, Externalizing Disorders. Ollendick, Sander, Internalizing Disorders. Martinez, White, Jochim, Nellis, Language, Learning, and Cognitive Disorders. McFarlane, Trottier, Polivy, Herman, Arsenault, Boivin, Eating Disorders.
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