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IT Strategy for Non-IT Managers: Becoming an Engaged Contributor to Corporate IT Decisions > 경영, 경제학/산업공학


IT Strategy for Non-IT Managers: Becoming an Engaged Contributor to Corporate IT Decisions
판매가격 39,000원
저자 by Amrit Tiwana
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 MIT Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2017
페이지수 280
ISBN 9780262534154
배송비결제 주문시 결제
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


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    What People are Saying About This

    Bin Gu

    Information Technology often looks like a puzzle filled with jargon to non-IT managers. This book lays out the puzzle piece by piece, providing an easy-to-follow road map to non-IT managers on why, where, and how they can leverage IT strategically to deliver value. A must-read for business managers in this digital era.

    Warren McFarlan

    An excellent general management survey of a field of vital importance to managers. Great substance and appropriately limited use of jargon.

    Alok Gupta

    Communication between managers in functional areas of business and IT managers has always been the most significant challenge in achieving the full potential of modern information technology in any corporate environment. In this book, Amrit Tiwana provides building blocks to facilitate this conversation by providing a window into the opportunities and directions to the path for successfully exploiting those opportunities through information technology. It is a commendable effort and long needed text!

    Jeanne Ross

    If you find you are prone to worrying or complaining about your company's IT, it's time to change things. Start by reading this book. The author offers great insights and useful tools on how non-IT managers can take IT from enterprise problem to competitive advantage.

    Saby Mitra

    The real gap for most companies in harnessing the power of IT lies in the effective use of the technology rather than in the creation of the technology. Business managers play the most important role in the effective use of IT and this book provides an excellent grounding for business managers in the power of IT to transform companies and industries. The coverage is in-depth and insightful, and not overtly technical. It explains the power of IT in a language suitable for business managers. The book is well suited for business and IT managers who need to collaborate, and is perfect for MBA or Executive MBA courses that focus on IT.

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