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Signal Processing and Linear System > 신호 및 시스템


Signal Processing and Linear System
판매가격 45,000원
저자 Lathi
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Oxford University Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2000
페이지수 864
ISBN 9780195219173
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명


    B.1. Complex Numbers

    B.2. Sinusoids

    B.3. Sketching Signals

    B.4. Cramer\'s Rule

    B.5. Partial Fraction Expansion

    B.6. Vectors and Matrices

    B.7. Miscellaneous

    Chapter 1. Introduction to Signals and Systems

    1.1. Size of a Signal

    1.2. Classification of Signals

    1.3. Some Useful Signal Operations

    1.4. Some Useful Signal Models

    1.5. Even and Odd Functions

    1.6. Systems

    1.7. Classification of Systems

    1.8. System Model: Input-Output Description

    Chapter 2. Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems

    2.1. Introduction

    2.2. System Response to Internal Conditions: Zero-Input Response

    2.3. The Unit Impulse Response h(t)

    2.4. System Response to External Input: Zero-State Response

    2.5. Classical Solution of Differential Equations

    2.6. System Stability

    2.7. Intuitive Insights into System Behavior

    2.8. Appendix 2.1: Determining the Impulse Response

    Chapter 3. Signal Representation by Fourier Series

    3.1. Signals and Vectors

    3.2. Signal Comparison: Correlation

    3.3. Signal Representation by Orthogonal Signal Set

    3.4. Trigonometric Fourier Series

    3.5. Exponential Fourier Series

    3.6. Numerical Computation of Dn

    3.7. LTIC System response to Periodic Inputs

    3.8. Appendix

    Chapter 4. Continuous-Time Signal Analysis: The Fourier Transform

    4.1. Aperiodic Signal Representation by Fourier Integral

    4.2. Transform of Some Useful Functions

    4.3. Some Properties of theFourier Transform

    4.4. Signal Transmission through LTIC Systems

    4.5. Ideal and Practical Filters

    4.6. Signal Energy

    4.7. Application to Communications: Amplitude Modulation

    4.8. Angle Modulation

    4.9. Data Truncation: Window Functions

    Chapter 5. Sampling

    5.1. The Sampling Theorem

    5.2. Numerical Computation of Fourier Transform: The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

    5.3. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

    5.4. Appendix 5.1

    Chapter 6. Continuous-Time System Analysis Using the Laplace Transform

    6.1. The Laplace Transform

    6.2. Some Properties of the Laplace Transform

    6.3. Solution of Differential and Integro-Differential Equations

    6.4. Analysis of Electrical Networks: The Transformed Network

    6.5. Block Diagrams

    6.6. System Realization

    6.7. Application to Feedback and Controls

    6.8. The Bilateral Laplace Transform

    6.9. Appendix 6.1: Second Canonical Realization

    Chapter 7. Frequency Response and Analog Filters

    7.1. Frequency Response of an LTIC System

    7.2. Bode Plots

    7.3. Control System Design Using Frequency Response

    7.4. Filter Design by Placement of Poles and Zeros of H(s)

    7.5. Butterworth Filters

    7.6. Chebyshev Filters

    7.7. Frequency Transformations

    7.8. Filters to Satisfy Distortionless Transmission Conditions

    Chapter 8. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

    8.1. Introduction

    8.2. Some Useful Discrete-Time Signal Models

    8.3. Sampling Continuous-Time Sinusoids and Aliasing

    8.4. Useful Signal Operations

    8.5. Examples of Discrete-Time Systems

    Chapter 9. Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems

    9.1. Discrete-Time System Equations

    9.2. System Response to Internal Conditions: Zero-Input Response

    9.3. Unit Impulse Response h[k]

    9.4. System Response to External Input: Zero-State Response

    9.5. Classical Solution of Linear Difference Equations

    9.6. System Stability

    9.7. Appendix 9.1: Determining Impulse Response

    Chapter 10. Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals

    10.1. Periodic Signal Representation by Discrete-Time Fourier Series

    10.2 Aperiodic Signal Representation by Fourier Integral

    10.3. Properties of DTFT

    10.4. DTFT Connection with the Continuous-Time Fourier Transform

    10.5. Discrete-Time Linear System Analysis by DTFT

    10.6. Signal Processing Using DFT and FFT

    10.7. Generalization of DTFT to the Z-Transform

    Chapter 11. Discrete-Time System Analysis Using the Z-Transform

    11.1. The Z-Transform

    11.2. Some Properties of the Z-Transform

    11.3. Z-Transform Solution of Linear Difference Equations

    11.4. System Realization

    11.5. Connection Between the Laplace and the Z-Transform

    11.6. Sampled-Data (Hybrid) Systems

    11.7. The Bilateral Z-Transform

    Chapter 12. Frequency Response and Digital Filters

    12.1. Frequency Response of Discrete-Time Systems

    12.2. Frequency Response From Pole-Zero Location

    12.3. Digital Filters

    12.4. Filter Design Criteria

    12.5. Recursive Filter Design: The Impulse Invariance Method

    12.6. Recursive Filter Design: The Bilinear Transformation Method

    12.7. Nonrecursive Filters

    12.8. Nonrecursive Filter Design

    Chapter 13. State-Space Analysis

    13.1. Introduction

    13.2. Systematic Procedure for Determining State Equations

    13.3. Solution of State Equations

    13.4. Linear Transformation of State Vector

    13.5. Controllability and Observability

    13.6. State-Space Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems

    Answers to Selected Problems

    Supplementary Reading


    Each chapter ends with a Summary

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