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Eistein's Relativity and Beyond: New Symmetry Approaches > 물리학


Eistein's Relativity and Beyond: New Symmetry Approaches
판매가격 35,000원
저자 Jong-Ping P. Hsu, J. P. Hsu
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 World Scientific
발행언어 영어
발행일 2000-1
페이지수 440
ISBN 9789810238889
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


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  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    Logical Connections of Relativity Theories with 4-Dimensional Symmetry
    Introduction 1
    1 A Brief Review of Space and Time 9
    2 The Nontrivial Pursuit of Earth\'s Absolute Motion 19
    3 On the Right Track - Voigt, Lorentz and Larmor 27
    4 Poincare\'s Contributions and the Aether (Past and Present) 35
    5 Young Einstein\'s Novel Creation Based on 2 Postulates 61
    6 Minkowski\'s 4-Dimensional Spacetime, Adjustable Clocks and Flexibility in the Concept of Time 80
    7 Taiji Relativity Based Solely on 1 Principle - the First Principle of Relativity 87
    8 The Arbitrary Speed of Light in Taiji Relativity and the Michelson-Morley Experiment 100
    9 Lorentz and Poincare Invariance Without Involving a Constant Corresponding to the Speed of Light 112
    10 Truly Universal Constants and Physical Laws Based on Taiji Relativity 125
    11 Quantum Electrodynamics Based on Taiji Relativity and Dilatation of Lifetimes and Decay-Lengths 138
    12 Common Relativity: A Common Time for All Observers 148
    13 Common Time and Many-Particle Systems in a 4-Dimensional Symmetry Framework 167
    14 Common Relativity and Quantum Mechanics 195
    15 Common Relativity and Fuzzy Quantum Field Theory 207
    16 Common Relativity and the 3 K Cosmic Background Radiation 221
    17 Extended Relativity: A Weaker Postulate for the Speed of Light 232
    18 Extended Relativity with the Lorentz Group and Lifetime Dilatation 248
    19 Physical Implications of Extended Relativity 256
    20 Determination of the Parameters of General Linear Transformations by Precision Experiments 273
    21 Generalized Lorentz Transformations for Non-Inertial Frames Based on the Limiting 4-Dimensional Symmetry 282
    22 Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Particles in Non-Inertial Frames with the Limiting 4-Dimensional Symmetry 304
    23 Experimental Tests of Generalized Lorentz Transformations for Constant-Linear-Acceleration Frames 327
    24 Quantizations of Scalar, Spinor and Electromagnetic Fields in Constant-Linear-Acceleration Frames 336
    25 Taiji Rotational Transformations with the Limiting 4-Dimensional Symmetry 355
    26 Epilogue 368
    App. A Noether\'s Theorem in Both Linearly Accelerated and Inertial Frames 372
    App. B Quantum Electrodynamics in Both Linearly Accelerated and Inertial Frames 384
    App. C De Sitter and Poincare Gauge-Invariant Fermion Lagrangians and Gravity 396
    App. D The Relativity of Lifetime Dilatation and an Experimental Test of \"Twin Particles\" Involving Linear Accelerations 403
    Name Index 413
    Subject Index 415
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