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Partial-Update Adaptive Signal Processing: Design Analysis and Implementation > 신호처리


Partial-Update Adaptive Signal Processing: Design Analysis and Implementation
판매가격 15,000원
저자 Dogancay
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2008-11
페이지수 296
ISBN 9780123741967
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Adaptive signal processing 1
    1.2 Examples of adaptive filtering 1
    1.3 Raison d'etre for partial coefficient updates 6
    2 Approaches to partial coefficient updates 25
    2.1 Introduction 25
    2.2 Periodic partial updates 26
    2.3 Sequential partial updates 33
    2.4 Stochastic partial updates 43
    2.5 M-max updates 47
    2.6 Selective partial updates 61
    2.7 Set membership partial updates 74
    2.8 Block partial updates 78
    2.9 Complexity considerations 82
    3 Convergence and stability analysis 83
    3.1 Introduction 83
    3.2 Convergence performance 83
    3.3 Steady-state analysis 86
    3.4 Convergence analysis 102
    4 Partial-update adaptive filters 143
    4.1 Introduction 143
    4.2 Least-mean-square algorithm 144
    4.3 Partial-update LMS algorithms 145
    4.4 Sequential least-mean-square algorithm 149
    4.5 Partial-update NLMS algorithms 149
    4.6 Affine projection algorithm 156
    4.7 Partial-update affine projection algorithms 159
    4.8 Recursive least square algorithm 171
    4.9 Partial-update RLS algorithms 176
    4.10 Transform-domain least-mean-square algorithm 187
    4.11 Partial-update transform-domain LMS algorithms 201
    4.12 Generalized-subband-decomposition least-mean-square algorithm 207
    4.13 Partial-update GSD-LMS algorithms 216
    4.14 Simulation examples: Channel equalization 222
    5 Selected applications 233
    5.1 Introduction 233
    5.2 Acoustic echo cancellation 233
    5.3 Network echo cancellation 236
    5.4 Blind channel equalization 245
    5.5 Blind adaptive linear multiuser detection 253
    A Overview of fast sorting algorithms 265
    A.1 Introduction 265
    A.2 Running min/max and sorting algorithms 265
    A.3 Heapsort algorithms 270
    Index 279
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