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Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs "Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Desig (Intenational Edition Title: Algorithms and Hardware Designs for Digital for Arithmetic > 계산이론


Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs "Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Desig (Intenational Edition Title: Algorithms and Hardware Designs for Digital for Arithmetic
판매가격 35,000원
저자 Parhano
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Oxford University Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2009-10
페이지수 672
ISBN 9780195328486
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Pt. I Number Representation
    1 Numbers and Arithmetic 3
    2 Representing Signed Numbers 19
    3 Redundant Number Systems 35
    4 Residue Number Systems 54
    Pt. II Addition/Subtraction
    5 Basic Addition and Counting 75
    6 Carry-Lookahead Adders 91
    7 Variations in Fast Adders 108
    8 Multioperand Addition 125
    Pt. III Multiplication
    9 Basic Multiplication Schemes 143
    10 High-Radix Multipliers 157
    11 Tree and Array Multipliers 172
    12 Variations in Multipliers 191
    Pt. IV Division
    13 Basic Division Schemes 211
    14 High-Radix Dividers 228
    15 Variations in Dividers 246
    16 Division by Convergence 261
    Pt. V Real Arithmetic
    17 Floating-Point Representations 279
    18 Floating-Point Operations 297
    19 Errors and Error Control 313
    20 Precise and Certifiable Arithmetic 328
    Pt. VI Function Evaluation
    21 Square-Rooting Methods 345
    22 The CORDIC Algorithms 361
    23 Variations in Function Evaluation 378
    24 Arithmetic by Table Lookup 394
    Pt. VII Implementation Topics
    25 High-Throughput Arithmetic 413
    26 Low-Power Arithmetic 430
    27 Fault-Tolerant Arithmetic 447
    28 Past, Present, and Future 464
    Index 479
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