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Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan > 수학/통계학


Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan
판매가격 103,500원
저자 Kruschke
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2014-11
페이지수 776
ISBN 9780124058880
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1. What’s in This Book (Read This First!)

    PART I The Basics: Models, Probability, Bayes’ Rule, and R
    2. Introduction: Credibility, Models, and Parameters
    3. The R Programming Language
    4. What Is This Stuff Called Probability?
    5. Bayes’ Rule

    PART II All the Fundamentals Applied to Inferring a Binomial Probability
    6. Inferring a Binomial Probability via Exact Mathematical Analysis
    7. Markov Chain Monte Carlo
    8. JAGS
    9. Hierarchical Models
    10. Model Comparison and Hierarchical Modeling
    11. Null Hypothesis Significance Testing
    12. Bayesian Approaches to Testing a Point ("Null") Hypothesis
    13. Goals, Power, and Sample Size
    14. Stan

    PART III The Generalized Linear Model
    15. Overview of the Generalized Linear Model
    16. Metric-Predicted Variable on One or Two Groups
    17. Metric Predicted Variable with One Metric Predictor
    18. Metric Predicted Variable with Multiple Metric Predictors
    19. Metric Predicted Variable with One Nominal Predictor
    20. Metric Predicted Variable with Multiple Nominal Predictors
    21. Dichotomous Predicted Variable
    22. Nominal Predicted Variable
    23. Ordinal Predicted Variable
    24. Count Predicted Variable
    25. Tools in the Trunk Bibliography
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