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Combustion Processes in Propulsion: Control, Noise, and Pulse Detonation > 연소공학


Combustion Processes in Propulsion: Control, Noise, and Pulse Detonation
판매가격 45,000원
저자 Roy
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2005-09-30
페이지수 480
ISBN 9780123693945
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Sect. 1 Control of combustion processes 1
    Ch. 1 Simultaneous velocity and temperature field measurements of a jet flame 3
    Ch. 2 Infrared absorption tomography for active combustion control 9
    Ch. 3 Deterministic and probabilistic approaches for prediction of two-phase turbulent flow in liquid-fuel combustors 21
    Ch. 4 Large-scale simulations of turbulent combustion and propulsion systems 31
    Ch. 5 Direct simulation of primary atomization 39
    Ch. 6 Extinction and relight in opposed premixed flames 49
    Ch. 7 Influence of Markstein number on the parametric acoustic instability 65
    Ch. 8 Prevaporized JP-10 combustion and the enhanced production of turbulence using countercurrent shear 75
    Ch. 9 Mixing control for jet flows 87
    Ch. 10 Characteristics and control of a multiswirl spray combustor 97
    Ch. 11 Swirling jet systems for combustion control 111
    Ch. 12 Control of flame structure in spray combustion 129
    Ch. 13 Porous media burners for clean engines 139
    Ch. 14 Simulations of a porous burner for a gas turbine 145
    Ch. 15 Characteristics and control of combustion instabilities in a swirl-stabilized spray combustor 157
    Ch. 16 Combustion and mixing control studies for advanced propulsion 169
    Ch. 17 Active pattern factor control on an advanced combustor 181
    Ch. 18 System design methods for simultaneous optimal control of combustion instabilities and efficiency 191
    Ch. 19 Model-based optimal active control of liquid-fueled combustion systems 201
    Sect. 2 High-speed jet noise 211
    Ch. 1 Aeroacoustics and emissions studies of swirling combustor flows 213
    Ch. 2 Considerations for the measurement of very-high-amplitude noise fields 223
    Ch. 3 High-speed jet noise reduction using microjets 231
    Ch. 4 Acoustic test flight results with prediction for military aircraft during FCLP mission 245
    Ch. 5 Computational fluid dynamics simulations of supersonic jet-noise reduction concepts 259
    Sect. 3 Pulse detonation engines 271
    Ch. 1 Investigation of spray detonation characteristics using a controlled, homogeneously seeded, two-phase mixture 273
    Ch. 2 Deflagration-to-detonation studies for multicycle PDE applications 283
    Ch. 3 Initiator diffraction limits in a pulse detonation engine 293
    Ch. 4 The role of geometrical factors in deflagration-to-detonation transition 305
    Ch. 5 Pseudospark-based pulse generator for corona-assisted combustion experiments 315
    Ch. 6 Breakup of droplets under shock impact 321
    Ch. 7 Impulse production by injecting fuel-rich combustion products in air 329
    Ch. 8 Thermodynamic evaluation of the dual-fuel PDE concept 341
    Ch. 9 Thermal decomposition of JP-10 studied by microflow tube pyrolysis-mass spectrometry 355
    Ch. 10 Laser diagnostics and combustion chemistry for pulse detonation engines 365
    Ch. 11 Computational studies of pulse detonation engines 377
    Ch. 12 Simulation of direct initiation of detonation using realistic finite-rate models 389
    Ch. 13 System performance and thrust chamber optimization of air-breathing pulse detonation engines 397
    Ch. 14 Software development for automated parametric study and performance optimization of pulse detonation engines 407
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