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Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software > 유한요소법


Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software
판매가격 15,000원
저자 Stolarski
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2007-01-29
페이지수 480
ISBN 9780750668750
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Preface xiii
    The Aims and Scope of the Book xv
    Basics of finite-element method 1
    Method of Weighted Residuals 2
    Sub-domain method (Finite volume method) 2
    Galerkin method 4
    Rayleigh-Ritz Method 5
    Finite-Element Method 7
    One-element case 10
    Three-element case 11
    FEM in Two-Dimensional Elastostatic Problems 14
    Elements of finite-element procedures in the analysis of plane elastostatic problems 15
    Fundamental formulae in plane elastostatic problems 16
    Equations of equilibrium 16
    Strain-displacement relations 16
    Stress-strain relations (constitutive equations) 17
    Boundary conditions 19
    Variational formulae in elastostatic problems: the principle of virtual work 21
    Formulation of the fundamental finite-element equations in plane elastostatic problems 21
    Strain-displacement matrix or [B] matrix 21
    Stress-strain matrix or [D] matrix 25
    Element stiffness equations 25
    Global stiffness equations 27
    Example: Finite-element calculations for a square plate subjected to uniaxialuniform tension 30
    Bibliography 34
    Overview of ANSYS structure and visual Capabilities 37
    Introduction 37
    Starting the Program 38
    Preliminaries 38
    Saving and restoring jobs 40
    Organization of files 41
    Printing and plotting 42
    Exiting the program 43
    Preprocessing Stage 43
    Building a model 43
    Defining element types and real constants 44
    Defining material properties 46
    Construction of the model 47
    Creating the model geometry 47
    Applying loads 48
    Solution Stage 49
    Postprocessing Stage 50
    Application of ANSYS to Stress Analysis 51
    Cantilever beam 51
    Example problem: A cantilever beam 52
    Problem description 53
    Review of the solutions obtained by the elementary beam theory 53
    Analytical procedures 53
    Creation of an analytical model 53
    Input of the elastic properties of the beam material 56
    Finite-element discretization of the beam area 57
    Input of boundary conditions 62
    Solution procedures 71
    Graphical representation of the results 73
    Comparison of FEM results with experimental ones 76
    Problems to solve 76
    Procedures for Creating Stepped Beams 80
    Creation of a stepped beam 80
    How to cancel the selection of areas 81
    Creation of a stepped beam with a rounded fillet 81
    How to display area numbers 84
    The Principle of St. Venant 84
    Example problem: An elastic strip subjected to distributed uniaxial tensile stress or negative pressure at one end and clamped at the other end 84
    Problem description 85
    Analytical procedures 85
    Creation of an analytical model 85
    Input of the elastic properties of the strip material 86
    Finite-element discretization of the strip area 86
    Input of boundary conditions 88
    Solution procedures 89
    Contour plot of stress 92
    Discussion 92
    Stress Concentration Due to Elliptic Holes 93
    Example problem: An elastic plate with an elliptic hole in its center subjected to uniform longitudinal tensile stress [sigma][subscript o] at one end and damped at the other end 93
    Problem description 94
    Analytical procedures 94
    Creation of an analytical model 94
    Input of the elastic properties of the plate material 97
    Finite-element discretization of the quarter plate area 98
    Input of boundary conditions 99
    Solution procedures 100
    Contour plot of stress 101
    Observation of the variation of the longitudinal stress distribution in the ligament region 101
    Discussion 102
    Problems to solve 105
    Stress Singularity Problem 106
    Example problem: An elastic plate with a crack of length 2a in its center subjected to uniform longitudinal tensile stress [sigma][subscript 0] at one end and clamped at the other end 106
    Problem description 106
    Analytical procedures 107
    Creation of an analytical model 107
    Input of the elastic properties of the plate material 110
    Finite-element discretization of the centercracked tension plate area 110
    Input of boundary conditions 113
    Solution procedures 114
    Contour plot of stress 115
    Discussion 116
    Problems to solve 118
    Two-Dimensional Contact Stress 120
    Example problem: An elastic cylinder with a radius of length (a) pressed against a flat surface of a linearly elastic medium by a force 120
    Problem description 120
    Analytical procedures 121
    Creation of an analytical model 121
    Input of the elastic properties of the material for the cylinder and the flat plate 123
    Finite-element discretization of the cylinder and the flat plate areas 123
    Input of boundary conditions 133
    Solution procedures 135
    Contour plot of stress 135
    Discussion 136
    Problems to solve 138
    References 141
    Mode Analysis 143
    Introduction 143
    Mode Analysis of A Straight Bar 144
    Problem description 144
    Analytical solution 144
    Model for finite-element analysis 145
    Element type selection 145
    Real constants for beam element 147
    Material properties 147
    Create keypoints 149
    Create a line for beam element 151
    Create mesh in a line 152
    Boundary conditions 154
    Execution of the analysis 157
    Definition of the type of analysis 157
    Execute calculation 159
    Postprocessing 161
    Read the calculated results of the first mode of vibration 161
    Plot the calculated results 161
    Read the calculated results of the second and third modes of vibration 161
    Mode Analysis of a Suspension for Hard-Disc Drive 163
    Problem description 163
    Create a model for analysis 163
    Element type selection 163
    Real constants for beam element 165
    Material properties 168
    Create keypoints 168
    Create areas for suspension 171
    Boolean operation 175
    Create mesh in areas 177
    Boundary conditions 179
    Analysis 182
    Define the type of analysis 182
    Execute calculation 182
    Postprocessing 183
    Read the calculated results of the first mode of vibration 183
    Plot the calculated results 183
    Read the calculated results of higher modes of vibration 184
    Mode Analysis of a One-Axis Precision Moving Table Using Elastic Hinges 188
    Problem description 188
    Create a model for analysis 189
    Select element type 189
    Material properties 189
    Create keypoints 192
    Create areas for the table 193
    Create mesh in areas 197
    Boundary conditions 201
    Analysis 205
    Define the type of analysis 205
    Execute calculation 208
    Postprocessing 209
    Read the calculated results of the first mode of vibration 209
    Plot the calculated results 209
    Read the calculated results of the second and third modes of vibration 210
    Animate the vibration mode shape 211
    Analysis For Fluid Dynamics 215
    Introduction 215
    Analysis of Flow Structure in A Diffuser 216
    Problem description 216
    Create a model for analysis 216
    Select kind of analysis 216
    Element type selection 217
    Create keypoints 219
    Create areas for diffuser 221
    Create mesh in lines and areas 222
    Boundary conditions 226
    Execution of the analysis 231
    Flotran set up 231
    Execute calculation 233
    Postprocessing 234
    Read the calculated results of the first mode of vibration 234
    Plot the calculated results 234
    Plot the calculated results by path operation 237
    Analysis of flow structure in a channel with a butterfly Valve 242
    Problem description 242
    Create a model for analysis 242
    Select kind of analysis 242
    Select element type 243
    Create keypoints 243
    Create areas for flow channel 245
    Subtract the valve area from the channel area 245
    Create mesh in lines and areas 246
    Boundary conditions 248
    Execution of the analysis 251
    Flotran set up 251
    Execute calculation 253
    Postprocessing 254
    Read the calculated results 254
    Plot the calculated results 255
    Detailed view of the calculated flow velocity 256
    Plot the calculated results by path operation 259
    Application of ANSYS to Thermo Mechanics 263
    General characteristic of heat transfer problems 263
    Heat transfer through two walls 265
    Problem description 265
    Construction of the model 265
    Solution 276
    Postprocessing 280
    Steady-State Thermal Analysis of a Pipe Intersection 285
    Description of the problem 285
    Preparation for model building 288
    Construction of the model 291
    Solution 298
    Postprocessing stage 306
    Heat Dissipation Through Ribbed Surface 312
    Problem description 312
    Construction of the model 313
    Solution 321
    Postprocessing 325
    Application of ANSYS to Contact Between Machine Elements 331
    General Characteristics of Contact Problems 331
    Example Problems 332
    Pin-in-hole interference fit 332
    Problem description 332
    Construction of the model 333
    Material properties and element type 338
    Meshing 339
    Creation of contact pair 342
    Solution 347
    Postprocessing 352
    Concave contact between cylinder and two blocks 359
    Problem description 359
    Model construction 360
    Material properties 365
    Meshing 368
    Creation of contact pair 372
    Solution 374
    Postprocessing 379
    Wheel-on-rail line contact 382
    Problem description 382
    Model construction 385
    Properties of material 391
    Meshing 392
    Creation of contact pair 398
    Solution 401
    Postprocessing 404
    0-ring assembly 410
    Problem description 410
    Model construction 412
    Selection of materials 413
    Geometry of the assembly and meshing 423
    Creating contact interface 427
    Solution 436
    Postprocessing (first load step) 442
    Solution (second load step) 444
    Postprocessing (second load step) 451
    Index 453
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