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High Energy Electron Diffraction and Microscopy > 물리학


High Energy Electron Diffraction and Microscopy
판매가격 69,000원
저자 Peng
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Oxford University Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2004-03-11
페이지수 560
ISBN 9780198500742
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 Basic concepts of high-energy electron diffraction 1
    2 Kinematic theory 24
    3 Dynamical theory I. General theory 54
    4 Dynamical theory II. Transmission high-energy electron diffraction 75
    5 Dynamical theory III. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction 117
    6 Resonance effects in transmission and reflection high-energy electron diffraction 186
    7 Diffuse and inelastic scattering - Elementary processes 228
    8 Diffuse and inelastic scattering - Multiple scattering effects 264
    9 Crystal and diffraction symmetry 311
    10 Perturbation methods and tensor theory 350
    11 Digital electron micrograph recording and basic processing 388
    12 Image formation and the retrieval of the electron wave function 406
    13 The atomic scattering factor and the optical potential 427
    14 Temperature-dependent Debye-Waller factors 454
    A: Some useful mathematical relations 470
    B Green\'s functions 473
    C FORTRAN listing of RHEED routines 477
    D Parameterization of the electron atomic scattering factor 490
    References 501
    Subject Index 531
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