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Magnetism in Condensed Matter > 물리학


Magnetism in Condensed Matter
판매가격 39,000원
저자 Blundell
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Oxford University Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2001-12-06
페이지수 256
ISBN 9780198505914
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Magnetic moments 1
    1.2 Classical mechanics and magnetic moments 6
    1.3 Quantum mechanics of spin 9
    2 Isolated magnetic moments 18
    2.1 An atom in a magnetic field 18
    2.2 Magnetic susceptibility 19
    2.3 Diamagnetism 20
    2.4 Paramagnetism 23
    2.5 The ground state of an ion and Hund\'s rules 30
    2.6 Adiabatic demagnetization 36
    2.7 Nuclear spins 38
    2.8 Hyperfine structure 40
    3 Environments 45
    3.1 Crystal fields 45
    3.2 Magnetic resonance techniques 52
    4 Interactions 74
    4.1 Magnetic dipolar interaction 74
    4.2 Exchange interaction 74
    5 Order and magnetic structures 85
    5.1 Ferromagnetism 85
    5.2 Antiferromagnetism 92
    5.3 Ferrimagnetism 97
    5.4 Helical order 99
    5.5 Spin glasses 100
    5.6 Nuclear ordering 101
    5.7 Measurement of magnetic order 102
    6 Order and broken symmetry 111
    6.1 Broken symmetry 111
    6.2 Models 115
    6.3 Consequences of broken symmetry 117
    6.4 Phase transitions 119
    6.5 Rigidity 121
    6.6 Excitations 121
    6.7 Domains 127
    7 Magnetism in metals 141
    7.1 The free electron model 141
    7.2 Pauli paramagnetism 144
    7.3 Spontaneously spin-split bands 146
    7.4 Spin-density functional theory 148
    7.5 Landau levels 149
    7.6 Landau diamagnetism 151
    7.7 Magnetism of the electron gas 154
    7.8 Excitations in the electron gas 158
    7.9 Spin-density waves 160
    7.10 The Kondo effect 162
    7.11 The Hubbard model 162
    7.12 Neutron stars 163
    8 Competing interactions and low dimensionality 167
    8.1 Frustration 167
    8.2 Spin glasses 168
    8.3 Superparamagnetism 171
    8.4 One-dimensional magnets 172
    8.5 Two-dimensional magnets 177
    8.6 Quantum phase transitions 179
    8.7 Thin films and multilayers 181
    8.8 Magneto-optics 183
    8.9 Magnetoresistance 184
    8.10 Organic and molecular magnets 192
    8.11 Spin electronics 193
    A Units in electromagnetism 195
    B Electromagnetism 198
    C Quantum and atomic physics 203
    D Energy in magnetism and demagnetizing fields 215
    E Statistical mechanics 220
    F Answers and hints to selected problems 223
    G Symbols, constants and useful equations 231
    Index 235
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