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Real Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems > 임베디드 시스템


Real Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems
판매가격 34,000원
저자 Douglass
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2006-10-04
페이지수 432
ISBN 9780750679060
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Preface xiii
    Audience xiv
    Goals xv
    Where to Go After the Book xv
    Evaluate UML on ARM xv
    Acknowledgments xvii
    About the Author xix
    What\'s on the CD-ROM? xxi
    Introduction 1
    Basic Modeling Concepts of the UML 1
    Structural Elements and Diagrams 5
    Small Things: Objects, Classes, and Interfaces 5
    Relations 10
    Big Things: Subsystems, Components, and Packages 17
    Behavioral Elements and Diagrams 19
    Actions and Activities 19
    Operations and Methods 20
    Activity Diagrams 20
    Statecharts 22
    Interactions 27
    Use Case and Requirements Models 31
    Summary 33
    Check Out the CD-ROM 33
    The Harmony Process 35
    Introduction 35
    The Harmony Development Process 36
    Why Process? 36
    Harmony Process Overview 41
    The Systems Engineering Harmony Workflows in Detail 43
    The Incremental (Spiral) Development Workflowsin Detail 47
    Increment Review (Party!) Workflow 48
    Design with the Harmony Process 55
    Implementation 60
    Test 61
    Summary 63
    Specifying Requirements 65
    Overview 65
    Identifying Kinds of Requirements for Roadrunner Traffic Light Control System 67
    Identifying Use Cases for the Roadrunner Traffic Light Control System 69
    Mapping Requirements to Use Cases 69
    Identifying Use Cases for the Coyote UAV System 70
    Identifying Parametric Requirements 70
    Capturing Quality of Service Requirements in Use Cases 71
    Operational View: Identifying Traffic Light Scenarios 71
    Operational View: CUAVS Optical Surveillance Scenarios 73
    Specification View: Use-Case Description 73
    Specification View: State Machines for Requirements Capture 74
    Specification View: Capturing Complex Requirements 76
    Operational to Specification View: Capturing Operational Contracts 77
    References 82
    Systems Architecture 83
    Overview 83
    Organizing the Systems Model 85
    Subsystem Identification 90
    Mapping Operational Contracts into Subsystem Architecture 92
    Identifying Subsystem Use Cases 101
    Looking Ahead 107
    Object Analysis 109
    Overview 109
    Key Strategies for Object Identification 111
    Underline the Noun Strategy 113
    Identify the Causal Agents 113
    Identify Services (Passive Contributors or Server Objects) 114
    Identify Messages and Information Flows 114
    Identify Real-World Items 114
    Identify Physical Devices 114
    Identify Key Concepts 115
    Identify Transactions 115
    Identify Persistent Information 115
    Identify Visual Elements 115
    Identify Control Elements 116
    Apply Scenarios 116
    Apply Nouns and Causal Agents Strategies 116
    Apply Services and Messages Strategies 125
    Apply Real-World Items and Physical Devices Strategies 127
    Apply Key Concepts and Transaction Strategies 128
    Apply Identify Visual Elements and Scenarios Strategies 128
    Merge Models from the Various Strategies 137
    Looking Ahead 139
    Architectural Design 141
    Overview 141
    Concurrency and Resource Architecture 147
    Distribution Architecture 158
    Safety and Reliability Architecture 163
    Looking Ahead 177
    Mechanistic and Detailed Design 179
    Overview 179
    Mechanistic Design 180
    Delegation Pattern Strategy 183
    Interface Abstraction Pattern Strategy 185
    Detailed Design 187
    Applying Mechanistic Design Patterns-Part 1 192
    Applying Mechanistic Design Patterns-Part 2 196
    Applying Detailed-Design State Behavior Patterns 201
    Applying-Detailed Design Idioms 206
    Summary 214
    Specifying Requirements: Answers 215
    Identifying Kinds of Requirements 215
    Identifying Use Cases for Roadrunner Traffic Light Control System 216
    Mapping Requirements to Use Cases 219
    Identifying Use Cases for Coyote UAV System 220
    Identifying Parametric Requirements 222
    Capturing Quality of Service Requirements 223
    Operational View: Identifying Traffic Light Scenarios 224
    Operational View: CUAVS Optical Surveillance Scenarios 228
    Specification View: Use-Case Descriptions 231
    Specification View: Capturing Complex Requirements 232
    Operational to Specification View: Capturing Operational Contracts 238
    References 242
    Systems Architecture: Answers 243
    Organizing the Systems Model 243
    Subsystem Identification 250
    Mapping Operational Contracts into the Subsystem Architecture 256
    Identifying Subsystem Use Cases 267
    Object Analysis: Answers 273
    Apply Nouns and Causal Agents Strategies 273
    Apply Services and Messages Strategies 291
    Applying the Real-World Items and Physical Devices Strategies 297
    Apply Key Concepts and Transaction Strategies 299
    Identify Visual Elements and Scenarios Strategies 303
    Merge Models from the Various Strategies 315
    Architectural Design: Answers 317
    Concurrency and Resource Architecture 317
    Distribution Architecture 319
    Safety and Reliability Architecture 323
    Mechanistic and Detailed Design: Answers 339
    Applying Mechanistic Design Patterns-Part 1 339
    Applying Mechanistic Design Patterns-Part 2 341
    Applying Detailed-Design State Behavior Patterns 346
    Applying Detailed-Design Idioms 351
    The Roadrunner Intersection Controller System Specification 357
    Overview 357
    The Intersection Controller (IC) 357
    Configuration Parameters 358
    Intersection Modes 361
    The Vehicle Detector 365
    Vehicular Traffic Light 366
    Pedestrian Light and Sensor 367
    Front Panel Display 368
    Remote Communications 369
    Power 370
    The Coyote Unmanned Air Vehicle System (CUAVS) Specification 371
    Overview 371
    Primary CUAV System Components 371
    The Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) 371
    The Coyote Mission Planning and Control System (CMPCS) 372
    Coyote Payloads 372
    The Coyote Datalink Subsystem (CDS) 373
    Detailed Requirements 373
    The Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) 373
    Flight Modes 373
    Mission Modes 374
    The Coyote Mission Planning and Control System (CMPCS) 374
    The Coyote Reconnaissance Sensor Suite Payload (CSSP) 375
    The Coyote Hellfire Attack Payload (CHAP) 376
    The Coyote Datalink Subsystem (CDS) 377
    UML Notational Summary 379
    Index 401
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