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Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
판매가격 69,000원
저자 Attard
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2002-09-01
페이지수 438
ISBN 9780120663217
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 Prologue 1
    1.1 Entropy in Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 1
    1.2 An Example: Scrambled Eggs 3
    1.3 Basic Notions 8
    1.4 Reservoirs 14
    2 Isolated Systems and Thermal Equilibrium 19
    2.1 Definitions of Thermodynamics Quantities 19
    2.2 Heat Reservoir 21
    2.3 Properties of Thermodynamics Systems 27
    3 Various Reservoirs 35
    3.1 Constant Linear and Angular Velocity 35
    3.2 Constant Chemical Potential 36
    3.3 Constant Pressure 40
    3.4 Constant Enthalpy 41
    3.5 Constant Entropy 44
    3.6 Thermodynamic Second Derivatives 46
    3.7 Equivalence of Systems 50
    3.8 Extensivity 51
    4 Probability and the General Formalism 55
    4.1 Probability Distributions 55
    4.2 Constrained and Equilibrium Potentials 61
    4.3 Partition Function 65
    4.4 Specific Reservoirs 70
    5 Classical Statistical Mechanics 83
    5.1 Constant Energy Hamiltonian System 84
    5.2 Various Reservoirs 98
    6 Ideal Systems 111
    6.1 Ideal Quantum Systems 111
    6.2 Spin-Lattice Models 121
    6.3 One-Dimensional Harmonic Crystal 129
    6.4 Classical Ideal Gas 135
    6.5 Mean Field Theory 145
    7 Interacting Particles 153
    7.1 Intermolecular Potentials 153
    7.2 Partition Function and Derivatives 158
    7.3 Particle Densities and Distributions 170
    8 Diagrammatic and Functional Expansions 181
    8.1 Virial Expansion 181
    8.2 Cluster Diagrams 185
    8.3 Functional Differentiation 189
    8.4 Particle Densities 192
    8.5 Expansions of the Density and Pressure 194
    9 Pair Functions 207
    9.1 Density Expansions of the Pair Function 207
    9.2 Ornstein-Zernike Equation 211
    9.3 Closure Relations 214
    9.4 Born-Green-Yvon Hierarchy 222
    9.5 Thermodynamic Properties 225
    9.6 Asymptotic Analysis 235
    10 Functional and Perturbation Theory 243
    10.1 Uniform System 243
    10.2 Singlet Functionals 245
    10.3 Pair Functionals 256
    10.4 Perturbation Theory 264
    11 Inhomogeneous Systems 277
    11.1 Spherical Inhomogeneity 277
    11.2 Planar Walls 287
    11.3 Other Solute Geometries 296
    11.4 Inhomogeneous Ornstein-Zernike Equation 308
    12 Coulomb Systems 317
    12.1 Mean Field Approximation 317
    12.2 Electrolytes 323
    12.3 Electric Double Layer 336
    12.4 Algebraic Correlations along a Wall 347
    13 Computer Simulations 351
    13.1 Molecular Dynamics 352
    13.2 Periodic Boundary Conditions 356
    13.3 Monte Carlo 359
    13.4 Advanced Techniques 362
    App. A: Nature of Probability 381
    App. B: Work and Conjugate Variables 407
    App. C: Mathematical Results 415
    Index 419
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