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Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries > 에너지공학


Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries
판매가격 15,000원
저자 P. Moseley
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2004.2
페이지수 602
ISBN 9780444507464
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Ch. 1 The Valve-regulated Battery - A Paradigm Shift in Lead-Acid Technology
    Ch. 2 Lead Alloys for Valve-regulated Lead-acid Batteries
    Ch. 3 Formation of Lead-Acid Batteries and Structure of Positive and Negative Active Masses
    Ch. 4 Positive-Plate Additives to Enhance Formation and Battery Performance
    Ch. 5 Negative Plates in Valve-regulated Lead-acid Batteries
    Ch. 6 The Function of the Separator in the Valve-regulated Lead-Acid Battery
    Ch. 7 Separator Materials for Valve-regulated Lead-Acid Batteries
    Ch. 8 Battery Management
    Ch. 9 Charging Techniques for VRLA Batteries
    Ch. 10 Battery Energy-Storage Systems for Power-Supply Networks
    Ch. 11 Valve-regulated Lead-Acid Batteries in Automative Applications - A Vehicle Manufacturer's Perspective
    Ch. 12 Valve-regulated Lead-Acid Batteries in Automotive Applications - A Battery Manufacturer's Perspective
    Ch. 13 Valve-regulated Lead-acid Batteries for Telecommunications and UPS Applications
    Ch. 14 Remote-area Power-supply (RAPS) Systems and the Valve-regulated Lead-acid Battery
    Ch. 15 Recovery and Recycling of Lead-acid Batteries
    Ch. 16 Enviromental Aspects of Recycling Valve-regulated Lead-Acid Batteries
    Ch. 17 The Next Great Challenge for Valve-regulated Lead-Acid Batteries: High-rate Partial-state-of-charge Duty in New-generation Road Vehicles
    Subject Index
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