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Understanding Bioinformatics > 생명과학


Understanding Bioinformatics
판매가격 69,000원
저자 Market Zvelebil, Jeremy O. Baum, Jeremy O Baum
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Taylor & Francis
발행언어 영어
발행일 2007-9
페이지수 800
ISBN 9780815340249
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    SECTION 1 Background Basics
    1: Nucleic Acid World
    2: Protein Structure
    3: Dealing with Databases

    SECTION 2 Sequence Alignments
    4: Producing and Analyzing Sequence Alignments
    5: Pairwise Sequence Alignment
    6: Patterns, Profiles and Multiple Alignments

    SECTION 3 Evolutionary Processes
    7: Recovering Evolutionary History
    8: Building Phylogenetic Trees

    SECTION 4 Genome Characteristics
    9: Revealing Genome Features
    10: Principles of Genome Annotation

    SECTION 5 Secondary Structures
    11: Obtaining Secondary Structure from Sequence
    12: Predicting Secondary Structures

    SECTION 6 Tertiary Structures
    13: Modeling Protein Structure
    14: Analyzing Structure-Function Relationships

    SECTION 7 Cells and Organisms
    15: Proteome and Gene Expression Analysis
    16: Clustering Methods and Statistics
    17: Systems Biology

    APPENDICES Background Theory
    Appendix A: Probability and Bayesian Analysis
    Appendix B: Molecular Energy Functions
    Appendix C: Function Optimization
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