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Dictionary of Cell & Molecular Biology
판매가격 19,000원
저자 John M. Lackie
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2007-10
페이지수 472
ISBN 9780123739865
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    A1 Actin-binding proteins 7
    A2 Amino acids 15
    A3 Mode of action of various antibiotics 21
    A4 Vertebrate annexins 29
    C1 Human caspases 68
    C2 The first 200 human CD antigens 70
    C3 Common cell lines 81
    C4 Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors 87
    C5 The codon assignments fo the genetic code 97
    E1 Erythrocyte mombrane proteins 149
    E2 Exotoxins 153
    F1 Blood clotting factors 155
    G1 The properties of heterotrimeric G-protein subunits 186
    H1 Classes fo histones 199
    H2 Polypeptide hormones and growth factors of vertebrates 201
    H3 Steroid hormones 204
    I 1 Vertebrate integrins 218
    I 2 Intermediate filaments and sequence-related proteins 221
    I 3 Ionophores 223
    L1 Lectins 239
    L2 Type of light microscopy 243
    L3 Lipids 245
    M1 Matrix metallopeptidases 258
    N1 Neurotransmitters 288
    N2 Nucleotides 296
    O1 Oncogenes and tumour viruses 301
    P1 Peptidases 345
    P2 Proteasome subunits 347
    R1 Recognition sequences of various type II restriction endonucleases 363
    S1 Selectins 380
    S2 Semaphorins 381
    S3 Sugars 403
    T1 Toll like receptors 422
    T2 Trascription factors 425
    V1 Vitamins 444
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