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Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology 3/Ed > 생명과학


Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology 3/Ed
판매가격 39,000원
저자 Elliott Sober (Editor)
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 MIT Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2006-9
페이지수 640
ISBN 9780262693387
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


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    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    1 The propensity interpretation of fitness 3
    2 The two faces of fitness 25
    3 Excerpts from Adaptation and natural selection 41
    4 Levels of selection : an alternative to individualism in biology and the human sciences 63
    5 The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm : a critique of the adaptationist programme 79
    6 Optimization theory in evolution 99
    7 Empathy, polyandry, and the myth of the coy female 131
    8 Pre-theoretical assumptions in evolutionary explanations of female sexuality 161
    9 Toward mapping the evolved functional organization of mind and brain 175
    10 Evolutionary psychology : a critique 197
    11 The evolutionary contingency thesis 217
    12 Two outbreaks of lawlessness in recent philosophy of biology 249
    13 1953 and all that : a tale of two sciences 261
    14 Why the antireductionist consensus won\'t survive the case of classical Mendelian genetics 283
    15 The multiple realizability argument against reductionism 301
    16 Typological versus population thinking 325
    17 Evolution, population thinking, and essentialism 329
    18 A matter of individuality 363
    19 Choosing among alternative \"phylogenetic\" species concepts 387
    20 Cases in which parsimony and compatibility methods will be positively misleading 409
    21 The logical basis of phylogenetic analysis 423
    22 Why there are no human races 455
    23 A new perspective on the race debate 477
    24 Does culture evolve? 505
    25 Models of cultural evolution 535
    26 Moral philosophy as applied science 555
    27 Four ways of \"biologicizing\" ethics 575

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