도서 정보
도서 상세설명
Table of Contents
1. Crystals and crystal structure
2. Two-dimensional patterns, lattices, and symmetry
3. Bravais lattices and crystal systems
4. Crystal symmetry, point groups, and crystal structures: the external symmetry of crystals
5. Describing lattice planes and directions in crystals: Miller indices and zone axis symbols
6. The reciprocal lattice
7. The diffraction of light
8. X-ray diffraction: The contributions of M. von Laue, W.H. and W.L. Bragg, and P.P. Ewald
9. The diffraction of X-rays and electrons
10. X-rays and electron diffraction of polycrystalline materials Appendix 1. Useful components for a crystallography model-building kit and suppliers Appendix 2. Computer programs in crystallography Appendix 3. Biographical notes on crystallographers and scientists mentioned in the text Appendix 4. Some useful crystallographic relationships Appendix 5. A simple introduction to vectors and complex numbers and their uses in crystallography Appendxix 6. Systematic absences (extinctions) in X-ray diffraction and double diffraction in electron diffraction patterns Answers to exercises Further reading Index