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DSM-IV-TR in Action, 2/Ed > 심리학


DSM-IV-TR in Action, 2/Ed
판매가격 59,000원
저자 Dziegielewski
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Wiley
발행언어 영어
발행일 2010-8
페이지수 551
ISBN 9780470551714
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Quick Reference List.
    Section I: Utilizing the DSM-IV-TR: Assessment, Planning, and Practice Strategy.
    Chapter 1: Getting Started.
    Beginning the Process.
    Making the Diagnostic Assessment: The Tools that Facilitate the Assessment Process.
    The Role of Social Workers and Other Mental Health Professionals.
    Development of the DSM Classification System: History and Reservations.
    DSM-I and the DSM-II.
    DSM-III and DSM-III-R.
    DSM-IV-TR: Why another Text Revision.
    DSM-V: What Does the Future Hold?
    Diagnostic Labels.
    Another Mental Health Assessment Measure.
    Professional Training in the Professional Counseling Fields.
    Questions for Further Thought.
    Chapter 2: Basics and Application.
    Utilizing the DSM-IV-TR in the Practice Setting.
    Working as Part of a Team: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Teams.
    Diagnosis and Assessment: Is There a Difference?
    A Combination Approach: The Diagnostic-Assessment.
    Completing the Diagnostic-Assessment Process.
    DSM-IV-TR Alone is not Enough
    Important Sections in the DSM-IV-TR.
    Culture, Age, and Gender-Related Information
    Cultural-Bound Syndromes.
    Diagnostic Assessment Factors Related to Age.
    Diagnostic Assessment with Children.
    Diagnostic Assessment with Older Adults.
    Diagnostic Assessment Factors Related to Gender.
    Subtypes and Course Specifiers.
    Use of the Principal and Provisional Diagnosis.
    Use of Not Otherwise Specified.
    Questions for Further Thought.
    Chapter 3: Documentation and The Multiaxial Diagnostic Assessment.
    Introduction to the Multi-axial Assessment System.
    Axis I and Axis II: MultiAxial Assessment System.
    Axis II: Application of Defense Mechanisms.
    Axis III: The Multiaxial Assessment System.
    Axis IV: The Multiaxial Assessment System.
    Axis V: The Multiaxial System.
    Supplements to Axis V: GARF and SOFAS.
    Putting in all Together: Use of the Multiaxial System.
    Questions for Further Thought.
    Chapter 4: Applications: Beyond the Diagnostic Assessment (Sophia F. Dziegielewski and RuthAnne Van Loon).
    Documentation, Treatment Planning, and Practice Strategy.
    Treatment and Intervention Planning.
    Developing the Treatment Plan.
    Selecting an Intervention Framework.
    Practice Strategy and Application.
    Types of Time-Limited Therapy in Mental Health Practice.
    Questions for Further Thought.
    Section II: Applications: Selected DSM-IV-TR Disorders.
    Chapter 5: Overview of Selected Childhood Disorders: The Disruptive Behavior Disorders (Sophia F. Dziegielewski and Shirley-Ann Amos).
    Overview of Disruptive Behavior Disorders.
    Children are not little adults.
    Childhood and Adolescent Disorders: Assessing Mental Health Factors.
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
    Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD).
    Conduct Disorder.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Chapter 6: Selected Eating Disorders in Children and Adults (Sophia F. Dziegielewski, Janice L. Ricks and Janet D. Murray).
    Overview of the Selected Eating Disorders in Adults and Children.
    Eating Disorders in Children: Brief Overview and Criteria.
    Selected Childhood Eating Disorders: Assessment and Diagnosis.
    Eating Disorders in Adults.
    Historical Aspects and Intervention with Anorexia Nervosa.
    Case Example of M.
    Completion of the Diagnostic Assessment for M.
    Application of the Multiaxial Format with M.
    Treatment Plan and Intervention.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Chapter 7: Substance-Related Disorders: Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) (Carmen P. Chang-Arratia and Sophia F, Dziegielewski).
    Introduction to Diagnostic Classification and Definitions for Substance Related Disorders.
    DSM-IV-TR: Definition of Alcohol-Related Disorders.
    Theories and Etiology of Alcohol Use Disorders.
    Risk Factors and Characteristics.
    Completion of the Diagnostic Assessment.
    The Case of Robert.
    Application of Multiaxial Assessment.
    Treatment Planning, Implementation, and evaluation.
    Intervention Strategies: Models and Treatment Modalities.
    An Integrated Approach: Implications for Practice.
    The Misuse of Prescription Medications and Psychotherapeutic Drugs: An Emerging Problem.
    Case Example: The Case of Mrs. Brown.
    Application of Multiaxial Assessment.
    Summary and Future Directions .
    Chapter 8: Schizophrenia and the Psychotic Disorders (Sophia F. Dziegielewski, Shirleyann Amos and George Jacinto).
    Schizophrenia and the Psychotic Disorders.
    Understanding Individuals that Suffer from the Psychotic Disorders.
    Overview of Schizophrenia and the Primary Psychotic Disorders.
    Differentiating Between Brief Psychotic Disorder, Schizophreniform and Schizophrenia.
    Factors Related to Schizophrenia.
    Factors Related to Schizophrenia.
    DSM-IV-TR and the Definition of Schizophrenia.
    Differential Diagnostic Considerations.
    Schizophrenia and Factors for Consideration in the Diagnostic Assessment.
    Case Example of John.
    Application of the Multiaxial Diagnostic System.
    Treatment Planning and Intervention Strategy.
    Acute Treatment Plan and Intervention.
    Transition Care Treatment Planning and Strategy.
    Chronic Care Treatment Planning and Strategy.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Chapter 9: Selected Mood Disorders.
    Overview of Mood Disorders.
    Clinical Depression and the Unipolar Disorders.
    The Depressive Disorders and the Diagnostic Assessment.
    Endogenous and Exogenous Depression: Making a Distinction.
    Completing the Diagnostic Assessment for the Unipolar Mood Disorders.
    Treatment for the Unipolar Disorders.
    DSM-IV-TR and the Definition of Bipolar Disorders.
    Diagnostic Assessment in Adults with Bipolar Disorder.
    The Case of D.
    Bipolar Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence.
    The Case of J.
    Treatment Strategy for the Bipolar Disorders.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Chapter 10: Anxiety Disorders (Carmen P. Chang-Arratia and Sophia F. Dziegielewski).
    DSM-IV-TR Classification and Definition for Anxiety Disorders.
    Theories and Etiology of Anxiety Disorders.
    DSM-IV-TR Definition: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
    Risk Factors Associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
    Completion of the Diagnostic Assessment.
    Case Example: The Case of K.
    Multiaxial Assessment of K.
    Treatment Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
    DSM-IV-TR: Definition of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
    Risk factors Associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
    PTSD: Completion of the Diagnostic Assessment.
    Case Presentation: The Case of Mrs. Radek.
    Mrs. Radek: Multiaxial Assessment System.
    Mrs. Radek\'s Evaluation and Treatment Planning.
    Intervention Strategy.
    Models to Treat Anxiety Disorders.
    Integrated Approach.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Chapter 11: Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders (Carmen P. Chang-Arratia).
    Introduction to Diagnostic Classification and Definitions for Cognitive Disorders.
    Theories and Etiology of Cognitive Disorders.
    DSM-IV-TR: Definitions of Delirium.
    Completion of the Diagnostic Assessment.
    Case Presentation: The Case of Mr. Zellner.
    Application of the Multiaxial Assessment
    Delirium: Treatment Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
    DSM -IV- TR: Definition of Dementia.
    Completion of the Diagnostic Assessment.
    Case Example: The Case of Mrs. Oliver.
    Application of the Multiaxial System.
    Dementia: Treatment Planning, Implementation and Evaluation.
    Intervention Strategies.
    Integrated Approach.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Chapter 12: Selected Sexual Disorders (Gary Dick and Sophia F Dziegielewski).
    Overview of the Sexual Dysfunctions: Orgasmic and Sexual Arousal and Desire Disorders.
    The Orgasmic Disorders.
    Assessment and Treatment of the Female and Male Orgasmic Disorders.
    Sexual Desire and Arousal Disorders.
    Assessment and Treatment of the Sexual Desire and Arousal Disorders.
    Completing the Diagnostic Assessment.
    Selected Assessment Scales and Methods for Treating the Sexual Disorders.
    Case Example.
    Overview of Treatment Methods for the Sexual Disorders.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Chapter 13: Personality Disorders (Sophia F. Dziegielewski and George Jacinto).
    The Personality Disorders as Defined Within the DSM.
    What is a Personality Disorder.
    Application of Borderline Personality Disorder.
    Overview of Borderline Personality Disorder.
    DSM-IV-TR Multiaxial System.
    Measurement Instruments and Diagnostic Assessment.
    The Case of C.
    Application of the Multiaxial System.
    Treatment Planning Considerations.
    Intervention Strategy.
    Summary and Future Directions.
    Appendix A: Quick References: Criteria and Treatment Plans.
    About the Author.
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