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Programmable Logic Controllers > 콘트롤러


Programmable Logic Controllers
판매가격 31,000원
저자 Morriss
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Pearson Education
발행언어 영어
발행일 1999
페이지수 735
ISBN 9780130955654
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1. What Is a PLC?
    2. PLC Components.
    3. Programming in Binary Logic (Boolean Logic).
    4. Counters and Timers.
    5. Memory Organization and Data Manipulation.
    6. Manipulating Simple Data Elements.
    7. Manipulating Data in Files, Blocks, Arrays, and Structures.
    8. Program Structure and Structured Programming.
    9. IEC 1131-3: The Common Programming Language.
    10. PLC Setup and Status.
    11. Interrupts.
    12. Process Control.
    13. Communications.
    14. Robotics, Automation, and PLCs.
    15. Troubleshooting.
    16. The Future: Whither the PLC?
    A. Allen-Bradley PLC-5 Status File Structure.
    B. Allen-Bradley SLC 500 Status File Structure.
    C. OMRON CQM1 SR and AR Memory Areas.
    D. Allen-Bradley Compare Instruction Operators.
    E. Allen-Bradley Compute (CPT) Instruction Operators and Precedence.
    F. Siemens S7 Status Bit Affected by Math and Logic Operations.
    G. Siemens S7 System Functions (SFC), System Function Blocks (SFB), and IEC Functions (FC).
    H. Allen-Bradley PLC-5 Major and Minor Fault Bits and Codes.
    I. Allen-Bradley SLC 500 Major Fault Codes.
    J. Allen-Bradley PLC-5 PID Control Block.
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