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Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologist\'s Guide, 3/Ed > 생명과학


Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologist's Guide, 3/Ed
판매가격 49,000원
저자 Dytham
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Wiley-Blackwell
발행언어 영어
발행일 2011-1
페이지수 320
ISBN 9781405198394
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 Eight steps to successful data analysis 1
    2 The basics 2
    3 Choosing a test: a key 7
    4 Hypothesis testing, sampling and experimental design 22
    5 Statistics, variables and distributions 30
    6 Descriptive and presentational techniques 46
    7 The tests 1: tests to look at differences 66
    8 The tests 2: tests to look at relationships 165
    9 The tests 3: tests for data exploration 200
    10 Symbols and letters used in statistics 216
    11 Glossary 219
    12 Assumptions of the tests 234
    13 Hints and tips 237
    14 A table of statistical tests 241
    Index 243
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