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Groups in Action: Evolution and Challenges > 사회과학 특가할인


Groups in Action: Evolution and Challenges
판매가격 15,000원
저자 corey
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Cengage
발행언어 영어
발행일 2005-2
페이지수 166
ISBN 9780534638009
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Introduction with the Coreys and Robert Haynes. Pre-Group Meeting. Procedures and Special Issues. The Stages of a Group. Expectations for Each Stage. Overview of Stages and Layout of DVD and Workbook. Initial Stage.
    CoreyWrap-up 1. Transition Stage.
    Corey Wrap-up 2. DAY 2. Transition Stage Continued.
    Corey Wrap-up 3. Working Stage.
    Wrap-up 4. Review events of the day and discuss next stage. Ending Stage.
    Wrap-up 5. Coreys discuss how to close a Group. CHALLENGES FACING GROUP LEADERS TABLE OF CONTENTS Opening Narration. Introductory Commentary. SEGMENT ONE. CHALLENGES OF DEALING WITH DIFFICULT BEHAVIORS IN GROUP. 1. Checking in: What was it like to return to group? 2. The leaders let me down. 3. I\'m not feeling safe in here. 4. I didn\'t want to come back to group. 5. I\'m in this group against my will. 6. Emotions make me uncomfortable. 7. I\'m self-conscious about my accent. 8. I want the leaders to disclose more. 9. I learn a lot by being quiet. COMMENTARY. 10. Silence serves a function. 11. I feel pressured to disclose. 12. What\'s wrong with helping others? 13. Can\'t we stop all this conflict? 14. I feel weak when I show feelings. 15. Checking out: What is each of you taking from this session? COMMENTARY at End of Segment One. SEGMENT TWO: CHALLENGES OF ADDRESSING DIVERSITY ISSUES. Narrative Intro to Segment #2. 16. What does my culture have to do with my identity? 17. I feel different from others in here. 18. Sometimes I want to exclude others. 19. I struggle with language. 20. I resent being stereotyped. 21. We are alike and we are different. 22. I express myself better in my native language. 23. I am colorblind. 24. I know little about my culture. 25. I want more answers from you leaders. COMMENTARY on DIVERSITY. FINAL CLOSING COMMENTARY.
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