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Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment, 2/Ed > 심리학


Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment, 2/Ed
판매가격 39,000원
저자 Flanagan
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Wiley
발행언어 영어
발행일 2009-5
페이지수 576
ISBN 9780470189153
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Series Preface.
    One: Introduction and Overview.
    Two: How to Administer the WISC-IV.
    Three: How to Score the WISC-IV.
    Four: How to Interpret the WISC-IV.
    Five: Strengths and Weaknesses of the WISC-IV.
    Six: Clinical Applications: A Review of Special Group Studies with the WISC-IV and Assessment of Low-Incidence Populations.
    Seven: Clinical Applications: Assessment of Gifted, Learning Disabled, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations.
    Eight: The WISC-IV Integrated.
    Nine: Illustrative Case Reports.
    Contents of the CD-ROM.
    The WISC-IV Data Management and Interpretive Assistant (WISC-IV DMIA) v1.0, and automated program for WISC-IV Interpretation.
    Norms Tables for WISC-IV Clinical Clusters.
    Information for Linking WISC-IV Results to Educational Strategies and Instructional Supports.
    Appendix A: Definitions of CHC Abilities and Processes.
    Appendix B: CHC Abilities and Processes Measured by Current Intelligence Tests.
    Appendix C: WISC-IV Subtest g-Loadings, by Age Group and Overall Sample.
    Appendix D: Psychometric, Theoretical, and Qualitative Characteristics of the WISC-IV.
    Appendix E: WISC-IV Interpretive Worksheet.
    Appendix F1: General Ability Index (GAI) Conversion Table: U.S. and Canadian Norms.
    Appendix F2: Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI) Conversion Table.
    Appendix G: Summary of Analyses of WISC-IV Indexes.
    Appendix H: Norms Tables for Clinical Clusters.
    Appendix I: Linking WISC-IV Assessment Results to Educational Strategies and Instructional Supports.
    Annotated Bibliography.
    About the CD-ROM.
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