도서 정보
도서 상세설명
A Cognitive processes
1 The psychology of music reading 3
2 Experimental studies of music reading : a review 27
3 The uses of space in music notation 43
4 Immediate recall of melodies 71
5 Cognition and real music : the psychology of music comes of age 97
6 Psychological structures in music : core research 1980-1990 117
7 Review of Language, music, and mind by Diana Raffman 153
8 Does music mean anything? 163
B Emotion and motivation
9 Music as a language 175
10 Music psychology and the composer 191
11 Empirical studies of emotional response to music 203
12 Emotional response to music : a review 215
13 Musical performance and emotion : issues and developments 225
C Talent and skill development
14 Musical expertise 243
15 Musical ability 265
16 The acquisition of musical performance expertise : deconstructing the \'talent\' account of individual differences in musical expressivity 275
17 Are some children more gifted for music than others? 297
D Music in the real world
18 Everyday uses of music listening : a preliminary study 319
19 Music : where cognition and emotion meet 333
20 Music and worship : a psychologist\'s perspective 345
21 Emotion, functionality, and the everyday experience of music : where does music education fit? 361
22 The \'sound of music\' versus the \'essence of music\' : dilemmas for music-emotion researchers 375
23 Assessing music psychology research : values, priorities, and outcomes 395