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Group Treatment for Substance Abuse: A Stages-of-Change Therapy Manual > 심리학


Group Treatment for Substance Abuse: A Stages-of-Change Therapy Manual
판매가격 49,000원
저자 Velasquez
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Guilford Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2001-7
페이지수 222
ISBN 9781572306257
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Contents Introduction I. How to Help People Change
    1. How People Change: The Transtheoretical Model
    2. Strategies for Facilitating Change
    3. Putting It All Together: Setting Up and Carrying Out the Intervention II. Thinking about Changing Substance Use P/C/P Sequence: Precontemplation-Contemplation-Preparation Client Handouts:
    P/C/P Session 1: The Stages of Change Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising P/C/P Session 2: A Day in the Life Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising P/C/P Session 3: Physiological Effects of Alcohol Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising P/C/P Session 4: Physiological Effects of Drugs Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising P/C/P Session 5: Expectations Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising P/C/P Session 6: Expressions of Concern Change Process Objective: Self-Reevaluation, Dramatic Relief P/C/P Session 7: Values Change Process Objective: Self-Reevaluation P/C/P Session 8: Pros and Cons Change Process Objective: Decisional Balance P/C/P Session 9: Relationships Change Process Objective: Environmental Reevaluation P/C/P Session 10: Roles Change Process Objective: Environmental Reevaluation P/C/P Session 11: Confidence and Temptation Change Process Objective: Self-Efficacy P/C/P Session 12: Problem Solving Change Process Objective: Self-Efficacy P/C/P Session 13: Setting a Goal and Preparing to Change Change Process Objective: Self-Liberation P/C/P Session 14: Review and Termination III. Making Changes in Substance Use A/M Sequence: Action/n/Maintenance A/M Session 1: The Stages of Change Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising A/M Session 2: Identifying \"Triggers\"
    Change Process Objective: Stimulus Control A/M Session 3: Managing Stress Change Process Objective: Counterconditioning A/M Session 4: Rewarding My Successes Change Process Objective: Reinforcement Management A/M Session 5: Effective Communication Change Process Objectives: Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management A/M Session 6: Effective Refusals Change Process Objectives: Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management A/M Session 7: Managing Criticism Change Process Objectives: Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management A/M Session 8: Managing Thoughts Change Process Objectives: Stimulus Control, Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management A/M Session 10: New Ways to Enjoy Life Change Process Objectives: Stimulus Control, Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management A/M Session 11: Developing an Action Plan Change Process Objective: Self-Liberation A/M Session 12: Recommitting after a Slip Change Process Objective: Self-Liberation A/M Session 13: Social Support Change Process Objective: Helping Relationships A/M Session 14: Identifying Needs and Resources Change Process Objective: Social Liberation A/M Session 15: Review and Termination Change Process Objectives: Self-Efficacy, Reinforcement Management

    Appendix. Professional Contacts and Suggested Resources References Index
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