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Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications, 2/Ed > 심리학


Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications, 2/Ed
판매가격 75,000원
저자 Cassidy
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Guilford Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2010-11
페이지수 1020
ISBN 9781606230282
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    I. Overview of Attachment Theory

    1. The Nature of the Child\'s Ties, Jude Cassidy

    2. Disruptions in Attachment Bonds: Implications for Theory, Research, and Clinical Intervention, Roger Kobak and Stephanie Madsen

    3. Attachment, Loss, and Grief: Bowlby\'s Views and Current Controversies, Phillip R. Shaver and R. Chris Fraley

    4. Individual Differences in Infant–Caregiver Attachment: Conceptual and Empirical Aspects of Security, Nancy S. Weinfield, L. Alan Sroufe, Byron Egeland, and Elizabeth Carlson

    5. Internal Working Models in Attachment Relationships: Elaborating a Central Construct in Attachment Theory, Inge Bretherton and Kristine A. Munholland

    II. Biological Perspectives

    6. Attachment Theory within a Modern Evolutionary Framework, Jeffry A. Simpson and Jay Belsky

    7. Psychobiological Origins of Infant Attachment and Its Role in Development, H. Jonathan Polan and Myron A. Hofer

    8. Attachment in Rhesus Monkeys, Stephen J. Suomi

    9. Attachment and Temperament: Additive and Interactive Influences on Behavior, Affect, and Cognition during Infancy and Childhood, Brian E. Vaughn, Kelly K. Bost, and Marinus H. van IJzendoorn

    10. Studying the Biology of Human Attachment, Nathan A. Fox and Amie Ashley Hane

    11. Toward a Neuroscience of Attachment, James A. Coan

    III. Attachment in Infancy and Childhood

    12. Normative Development: The Ontogeny of Attachment, Robert S. Marvin and Preston A. Britner

    13. Precursors of Attachment Security, Jay Belsky and R. M. Pasco Fearon

    14. Attachment Relationships in the Context of Multiple Caregivers, Carollee Howes and Susan Spieker

    15. The Influence of Early Attachments on Other Relationships, Lisa J. Berlin, Jude Cassidy, and Karen Appleyard

    16. Early Attachment and Later Development: Familiar Questions, New Answers, Ross A. Thompson

    17. Attachment in Middle Childhood, Kathryn A. Kerns

    18. The Measurement of Attachment Security and Related Constructs in Infancy and Early Childhood, Judith Solomon and Carol George

    IV. Attachment in Adolescence and Adulthood

    19. The Attachment System in Adolescence, Joseph P. Allen

    20. Pair Bonds as Attachments: Reevaluating the Evidence, Debra Zeifman and Cindy Hazan

    21. Adult Romantic Attachment: Developments in the Study of Couple Relationships, Judith A. Feeney

    22. Same-Sex Romantic Attachment, Jonathan J. Mohr

    23. Adult Attachment and Affect Regulation, Mario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver

    24. Attachment in Middle and Later Life, Carol Magai

    25.The Adult Attachment Interview: Protocol, Method of Analysis, and Empirical Studies, Erik Hesse

    26. Measurement of Individual Differences in Adolescent and Adult Attachment, Judith A. Crowell, R. Chris Fraley, and Phillip R. Shaver

    V. Psychopathology and Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory and Research

    27. Attachment and Psychopathology in Childhood, Michelle DeKlyen and Mark T. Greenberg

    28. Attachment Disorganization: Genetic Factors, Parenting Contexts, and Developmental Transformation from Infancy to Adulthood, Karlen Lyons-Ruth and Deborah Jacobvitz

    29. Challenges to the Development of Attachment Relationships Faced by Young Children in Foster and Adoptive Care, Mary Dozier and Michael Rutter

    30. Attachment and Psychopathology in Adulthood, Mary Dozier, K. Chase Stovall-McClough, and Kathleen E. Albus

    31. Prevention and Intervention Programs for Supporting Early Attachment Security, Lisa J. Berlin, Charles H. Zeanah, and Alicia F. Lieberman

    32. The Implications of Attachment Theory and Research for Adult Psychotherapy: Research and Clinical Perspectives, Arietta Slade

    33. Psychoanalytic Constructs and Attachment Theory and Research, Peter Fonagy, George Gergely, and Mary Target

    34. Couple and Family Therapy: An Attachment Perspective, Susan M. Johnson

    VI. Systems, Culture, and Context

    35. The Caregiving System: A Behavioral Systems Approach to Parenting, Carol George and Judith Solomon

    36. A Wider View of Attachment and Exploration: The Influence of Mothers and Fathers on the Development of Psychological Security from Infancy to Young Adulthood, Karin Grossmann, Klaus E. Grossmann, Heinz Kindler, and Peter Zimmermann

    37. Cross-Cultural Patterns of Attachment: Universal and Contextual Dimensions, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn and Abraham Sagi-Schwartz

    38. Attachment and Religious Representations and Behavior, Pehr Granqvist and Lee A. Kirkpatrick

    39. An Attachment-Theoretical Perspective on Divorce, Brooke C. Feeney and Joan K. Monin

    40. Implications of Attachment Theory and Research for Child Care Policies, Michael Rutter
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