도서 정보
도서 상세설명
1 Introduction 1
2 A dynamical evolutionary view of love 15
3 A behavioral systems approach to romantic love relationships : attachment, caregiving, and sex 35
4 The evolution of love 65
5 The drive to love : the neural mechanism for mate selection 87
6 A biobehavioral model of attachment and bonding 116
7 Styles of romantic love 149
8 Searching for the meaning of \"love\" 171
9 A duplex theory of love 184
10 Giving and receiving communal responsiveness as love 200
11 A prototype approach to studying love 225
12 Evolutionary and cross-cultural perspectives on love : the influence of gender, personality, and local ecology on emotional investment in romantic relationships 249
13 Passionate love : cross-cultural and evolutionary perspectives 274
14 Individualism, collectivism, and the psychology of love 298
15 Conclusion : the nature and interrelations of theories of love 313