도서 정보
도서 상세설명
Introduction : the study of spontaneous facial expressions in psychology 3
1 Is the startle reaction an emotion? 21
Afterword : the startle and the emotion 36
Afterword : FACS in the study of the Latah syndrome 38
2 The asymmetry of facial actions is inconsistent with models of hemispheric specialization 40
Afterword : asymmetry in facial muscular actions 58
3 Coherence between expressive and experiential systems in emotion 63
Afterword : emotions as unified responses 86
4 Will the real relationship between facial expression and affective experience please stand up : the case of exhilaration 89
Afterword : the FACS in humor research 109
5 Extraversion, alcohol, and enjoyment 112
Afterword : laughter and temperament 131
6 Signs of appeasement : evidence for the distinct displays of embarassment, amusement, and shame 133
Afterword : the forms and functions of embarrassment 158
7 Genuine, suppressed, and faked facial behavior during exacerbation of chronic low back pain 161
Afterword : on knowing another\'s pain 178
8 The consistency of facial expressions of pain : a comparison across modalities 181
Afterword : the consistency of facial expressions of pain 198
9 Smiles when lying 201
Afterword : smiles when lying 215
10 Behavioral markers and recognizability of the smile of enjoyment 217
Afterword : some thoughts on FACS, dynamic markers of emotion, and baseball 239
11 Components and recognition of facial expression in the communication of emotion by actors 243
Afterword : components and recognition of facial expression in the communication of emotion by actors 268
12 Differentiating emotion elicited and deliberate emotional facial expressions 271
Afterword : objective differences versus observers\' ratings 287
13 Japanese and American infants\' responses to arm restraint 289
Afterword : the cross-cultural study of infant facial expressions 300
14 Differential facial responses to four basic tastes in newborns 302
Afterword : facial expression as a window on sensory experience and affect in newborn infants 320
15 All smiles are positive, but some smiles are more positive than others 328
Afterword : a measure of early joy? 350
16 Signal characteristics of spontaneous facial expressions : automatic movement in solitary and social smiles 354
17 Automated face analysis by feature point tracking has high concurrent validity with manual FACS coding 371
Afterword : automated analysis of the configuration and timing of facial expression 388
18 Toward automatic recognition of spontaneous facial actions 393
Afterword : the next generation of automatic facial expression measurement 413
19 Facial expression in affective disorders 429
Afterword : depression and expression 440
20 Emotional experience and expression in schizophrenia and depression 441
Afterword : emotion, facial expression, and psychopathology 456
21 Interaction regulations used by schizophrenic and psychosomatic patients : studies on facial behavior in dyadic interactions 459
Afterword : interaction regulations used by schizophrenic and psychosomatic patients 479
22 Nonverbal expression of psychological states in psychiatric patients 484
Afterword : nonverbal expression of psychological states in psychiatric patients 493
23 Depression and suicide faces 496
Afterword : perspectives for studies of psychopathology and psychotherapy 506
24 Protypical affective microsequences in psychotherapeutic interaction 512
Afterword : from PAMS to TRAPS : investigating guilt feelings with FACS 529
25 Facial expressions of emotion and psychopathology in adolescent boys 532
Afterword : facial expression, personality, and psychopathology 548
26 Type A behavior pattern : facial behavior and speech components 551
Afterword : type A and facial behavior 565
27 Linkages between facial expressions of anger and transient myocardial ischemia in men with coronary artery disease
Afterword : facial expression and emotion in the study of heart disease 580
28 Effects of smoking opportunity on cue-elicited urge : a facial coding analysis 583
Afterword : using FACS to identify contextual factors influencing craving 603
Conclusion : what we have learned by measuring facial behavior : further comments and clarifications 605