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Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex-M3 > 임베디드 시스템


Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex-M3
판매가격 29,000원
저자 Lewis
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Prentice Hall
발행언어 영어
발행일 2012-2
페이지수 256
ISBN 9780132916547
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Preface xiii
    Chapter 1 Introduction 1
    1.1 What is an Embedded System? 1
    1.2 What Is Unique about the Design Goals for Embedded Software? 3
    1.3 What Does \"Real-Time\" Mean? 5
    1.4 What Does \"Multithreading\" Mean? 5
    1.5 How Powerful are Embedded Processors? 6
    1.6 What Programming Languages are Used? 6
    1.7 How Is Building an Embedded Application Different? 7
    1.8 How Big are Typical Embedded Programs? 9
    Problems 10
    Chapter 2 Data Representation 11
    2.1 Fixed-Precision Binary Numbers 11
    2.2 Positional Number Systems 13
    2.2.1 Binary-to-Decimal Conversion 14
    2.2.2 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion 14
    2.2.3 Hexadecimal: A Shorthand for Binary 17
    2.2.4 Fixed Precision, Rollover, and Overflow 18
    2.3 Binary Representation of Integers 19
    2.3.1 Signed Integers 20
    2.3.2 Positive and Negative Representations of the Same Magnitude 20
    2.3.3 Interpreting the Value of a 2\'s-Complement Number 21
    2.3.4 Changing the Sign of Numbers with Integer and Fractional Parts 22
    2.3.5 Binary Addition and Subtraction 23
    2.3.6 Range and Overflow 25
    2.4 Binary Representation of Real Numbers 26
    2.4.1 Floating-Point Real Numbers 26
    2.4.2 Fixed-Point Real Numbers 28
    2.5 ASCII Representation of Text 28
    2.6 Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) 31
    Problems 32
    Chapter 3 Implementing Arithmetic 35
    3.1 2\'S-Complement and Hardware Complexity 35
    3.2 Multiplication and Division 38
    3.2.1 Signed Versus Unsigned Multiplication 38
    3.2.2 Shifting Instead of Multiplying or Dividing by Powers of 2 38
    3.2.3 Multiplying by an Arbitrary Constant 40
    3.2.4 Dividing by an Arbitrary Constant 41
    3.3 Arithmetic for Fixed-Point Reals 41
    3.3.1 Fixed-Point Using a Universal 16.16 Format 44
    3.3.2 Fixed-Point Using a Universal 32.32 Format 45
    3.3.3 Multiplication of 32.32 Fixed-Point Reals 46
    3.3.4 Example: Multiplying two 4.4 Fixed-Point Reals 49
    Problems 50
    Chapter 4 Getting the Most out of C 52
    4.1 Integer Data Types 52
    4.1.1 Integer Range and the Standard Header File LIMITS.H 54
    4.2 Boolean Data Types 56
    4.3 Mixing Data Types 57
    4.4 Manipulating Bits In Memory 58
    4.4.1 Testing Bits 60
    4.4.2 Setting, Clearing, and Inverting Bits 61
    4.4.3 Extracting Bits 62
    4.4.4 Inserting Bits 62
    4.5 Manipulating Bits In Input/Output Ports 63
    4.5.1 Write-Only I/O Devices 63
    4.5.2 I/O Devices Differentiated by Reads Versus Writes 65
    4.5.3 I/O Devices Differentiated by Sequential Access 65
    4.5.4 I/O Devices Differentiated by Bits in the Written Data 66
    4.6 Accessing Memory-Mapped I/O Devices 66
    4.6.1 Accessing Data Using a Pointer 67
    4.6.2 Arrays, Pointers, and the \"Address of\" Operator 68
    4.7 Structures 69
    4.7.1 Packed Structures 70
    4.7.2 Bit Fields 71
    4.8 Variant Access 72
    4.8.1 Casting the Address of an Object 73
    4.8.2 Using Unions 74
    Problems 75
    Chapter 5 Programming in Assembly Part 1: Computer Organization 80
    5.1 Memory 82
    5.1.1 Data Alignment 83
    5.2 The Central Processing Unit (CPU) 85
    5.2.1 Other Registers 86
    5.2.2 The Fetch-Execute Cycle 86
    5.3 Input/Output 89
    5.4 Introduction to the ARM® Cortex™-M3 v7M Architecture 90
    5.4.1 Internal Organization 90
    5.4.2 Instruction Pipelining 91
    5.4.3 Memory Model 93
    5.4.4 Bit-Banding 93
    5.5 ARM Assembly Language 96
    5.5.1 Instruction Formats and Operands 96
    5.5.2 Translating Assembly into Binary 98
    Problems 98
    Chapter 6 Programming in Assembly Part 2: Data Manipulation 102
    6.1 Loading Constants into Registers 102
    6.2 Loading Memory Data into Registers 103
    6.3 Storing Data from Registers to Memory 105
    6.4 Converting Simple C Assignment Statements into ARM Assembly 106
    6.5 Memory Address Calculations 107
    6.6 Memory Addressing Examples 108
    6.6.1 Translating C Pointer Expressions to Assembly 109
    6.6.2 Translating C Subscript Expressions to Assembly 111
    6.6.3 Translating Structure References to Assembly 111
    6.7 Stack Instructions 112
    6.8 Data Processing Instructions 113
    6.8.1 Updating the Flags in the APSR 113
    6.8.2 Arithmetic Instructions 114
    6.8.3 Bit Manipulation Instructions 115
    6.8.4 Shift Instructions 116
    6.8.5 Bit Field Manipulation Instructions 118
    6.8.6 Miscellaneous Bit, Byte, and Half-Word Instructions 119
    Problems 120
    Chapter 7 Programming in Assembly Part 3: Control Structures 123
    7.1 Instruction Sequencing 123
    7.2 Implementing Decisions 124
    7.2.1 Conditional Branch Instructions 124
    7.2.2 If-Then and If-Then-Else Statements 125
    7.2.3 Compound Conditionals 126
    7.2.4 The \"If-Then\" (IT) Instruction 128
    7.3 Implementing Loops 129
    7.3.1 Speeding Up Array Access 131
    7.4 Implementing Functions 132
    7.4.1 Function Call and Return 132
    7.4.2 Register Usage 133
    7.4.3 Parameter Passing 134
    7.4.4 Return Values 135
    7.4.5 Temporary Variables 135
    7.4.6 Preserving Registers 136
    Problems 138
    Chapter 8 Programming in Assembly Part 4: I/O Programming 140
    8.1 The Cortex-M3 I/O Hardware 141
    8.1.1 Interrupts and Exceptions 141
    8.1.2 Thread and Handler Modes 142
    8.1.3 Entering the Exception Handler 142
    8.1.4 Returning from the Exception Handler 143
    8.1.5 Latency Reduction 143
    8.1.6 Priorities and Nested Exceptions 145
    8.2 Synchronization, Transfer Rate, and Latency 146
    8.3 Buffers and Queues 147
    8.3.1 Double Buffering 149
    8.4 Estimating I/O Performance Capability 150
    8.4.1 Polled Waiting Loops 150
    8.4.2 Interrupt-Driven I/O 152
    8.4.3 Direct Memory Access 154
    8.4.4 Comparison of Methods 155
    Problems 156
    Chapter 9 Concurrent Software 159
    9.1 Foreground/Background Systems 159
    9.1.1 Thread State and Serialization 159
    9.1.2 Managing Latency 160
    9.1.3 Interrupt Overrun 163
    9.1.4 Moving Work into the Background 163
    9.2 Multithreaded Programming 164
    9.2.1 Concurrent Execution of Independent Threads 265
    9.2.2 Context Switching 165
    9.2.3 Non-preemptive (Cooperative) Multithreading 165
    9.2.4 Preemptive Multithreading 267
    9.3 Shared Resources and Critical Sections 167
    9.3.1 Disabling Interrupts 269
    9.3.2 Disabling Task Switching 169
    9.3.3 Spin Locks 170
    9.3.4 Mutex Objects 270
    9.3.5 Semaphores 272
    Problems 272
    Chapter 10 Scheduling 174
    10.1 Thread States 174
    10.2 Pending Threads 175
    10.3 Context Switching 176
    10.4 Round-Robin Scheduling 178
    10.5 Priority-Based Scheduling 178
    10.5.1 Resource Starvation 178
    10.5.2 Priority Inversion 179
    10.5.3 The Priority Ceiling Protocol 180
    10.5.4 The Priority Inheritance Protocol 180
    10.6 Assigning Priorities 181
    10.6.1 Deadline-Driven Scheduling 181
    10.6.2 Rate-Monotonic Scheduling 182
    10.7 Deadlock 183
    10.8 Watchdog Timers 184
    Problems 186
    Chapter 11 Memory Management 189
    11.1 Objects in C 189
    11.2 Scope 190
    11.2.1 Refining Local Scope 190
    11.2.2 Refining Global Scope 191
    11.3 Lifetime 192
    11.4 Automatic Allocation 193
    11.4.1 Storage Class \"Register\" 194
    11.5 Static Allocation 195
    11.6 Three Programs to Distinguish Static from Automatic 196
    11.6.1 Object Creation 196
    11.6.2 Object Initialization 196
    11.6.3 Object Destruction 197
    11.7 Dynamic Allocation 199
    11.7.1 Fragmentation 199
    11.7.2 Memory Allocation Pools 200
    11.8 Automatic Allocation with Variable Size (alloca) 200
    11.8.1 Variable-Size Arrays 201
    11.9 Recursive Functions and Memory Allocation 202
    Problems 203
    Chapter 12 Shared Memory 209
    12.1 Recognizing Shared Objects 209
    12.1.1 Shared Global Data 210
    12.1.2 Shared Private Data 210
    12.1.3 Shared Functions 210
    12.2 Reentrant Functions 220
    12.3 Read-Only Data 211
    12.3.1 Type Qualifier \"const\" 211
    12.4 Coding Practices to Avoid 212
    12.4.1 Functions That Keep Internal State in Local Static Objects 212
    12.4.2 Functions That Return the Address of a Local Static Object 214
    12.5 Accessing Shared Memory 215
    12.5.1 The Effect of Processor Architecture 217
    12.5.2 Read-Only and Write-Only Access 218
    12.5.3 Type Qualifier \"volatile\" 219
    Problems 221
    Chapter 13 System Initialization 224
    13.1 Memory Layout 224
    13.2 The CPU and Vector Table 225
    13.3 C Run-Time Environment 227
    13.3.1 Copying Initial Values from Non-Volatile Memory into the Data Region 227
    13.3.2 Zeroing Uninitialized Statics 227
    13.3.3 Setting Up a Heap 228
    13.4 System Timer 229
    13.5 Other Peripheral Devices 229
    Answers to Selected Problems 231
    Index 234
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