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Attitudes, Personality and Behaviour, 2/Ed > 심리학


Attitudes, Personality and Behaviour, 2/Ed
판매가격 49,000원
저자 Crossley
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Open University Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2005-11
페이지수 192
ISBN 9780335217038
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Preface xi
    ONE Attitudes and personality traits 1(23)
    From acts to dispositions 2(17)
    Inferring personality traits from behavior 2(1)
    Inferring attitudes from behavior 3(2)
    Attitudes versus traits 5(1)
    Explicit measures of attitudes and personality traits 6(8)
    Overcoming self-presentation biases 14(2)
    Implicit measures of attitudes and personality traits 16(3)
    From dispositions to actions 19(3)
    Dimensions of personality 19(1)
    A hierarchical model of attitude 20(2)
    Summary and conclusions 22(1)
    Notes 22(1)
    Suggestions for further reading 23(1)
    TWO Consistency in human affairs 24(17)
    Psychological foundations of consistency 25(5)
    Preference for consistency 25(1)
    Functional consistency 26(2)
    Inherent consistency 28(2)
    Empirical evidence 30(9)
    Behavioral consistency 31(2)
    Predictive validity 33(5)
    Implications 38(1)
    Summary and conclusions 39(1)
    Notes 39(1)
    Suggestions for further reading 40(1)
    THREE From dispositions to actions 41(30)
    The moderating variables approach 41(16)
    Situational factors as moderators 42(3)
    Individual differences as moderators 45(3)
    Secondary characteristics of the disposition 48(9)
    The MODE model: an integrative theoretical framework 57(6)
    Strength of behavioral dispositions 58(5)
    Moderating variables and the question of consistency 63(6)
    Limitations of a moderating variables approach 64(5)
    Summary and conclusions 69(1)
    Notes 70(1)
    Suggestions for further reading 70(1)
    FOUR The principle of compatibility 71(28)
    The logic of aggregation 72(11)
    Consistency of behavioral aggregates 74(4)
    Predictive validity for behavioral aggregates 78(2)
    Aggregation and the question of consistency 80(3)
    Prediction of specific behavioral tendencies 83(5)
    The principle of compatibility 85(3)
    Personality traits and specific response tendencies 88(6)
    Routines and habits 88(3)
    Perceived behavioral control 91(3)
    Attitudes and specific response tendencies 94(2)
    Attitude toward a behavior 94(2)
    Summary and conclusions 96(1)
    Notes 97(1)
    Suggestions for further reading 98(1)
    FIVE From intentions to actions 99(18)
    The case of willful behavior 99(8)
    Predicting behavior from intention 100(7)
    The case of incomplete volitional control 107(6)
    Control factors 107(3)
    Perceived behavioral control 110(3)
    Spontaneous intentions 113(2)
    Summary and conclusions 115(1)
    Notes 115(1)
    Suggestions for further reading 116(1)
    SIX Explaining intentions and behavior 117(25)
    A theory of planned behavior 117(19)
    Predicting intentions 119(1)
    Predicting behavioral goals 120(3)
    The informational foundation of behavior 123(11)
    Background factors 134(2)
    Behavioral interventions 136(4)
    Theoretical considerations 136(1)
    Illustrations 137(3)
    Summary and conclusions 140(1)
    Note 141(1)
    Suggestions for further reading 141(1)
    SEVEN Conclusion 142(5)
    Behavioral consistency 143(1)
    General dispositions and specific actions 144(1)
    Verbal and nonverbal responses 144(3)
    References 147(21)
    Author index 168(6)
    Subject index 174
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