도서 정보
도서 상세설명
Chapter 1. Cognition and the study of behavior
1.1 What is comparative cognition about?
1.2 Kinds of explanation for behavior
1.3 Approaches to comparative cognition
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2. Evolution, behavior, and cognition: A primer
2.1 Testing adaptation
2.2 Mapping phylogeny
2.3 Evolution, cognition, and the structure of behavior
2.4 Evolution and the brain
2.5 What does all this have to do with comparative psychology?
2.6 Summarizing and looking ahead
Part I. Fundamental Mechanisms
Chapter 3. Perception and attention
3.1 Specialized sensory systems
3.2 How can we find out what animals perceive?
3.3 Some psychophysical principles
3.4 Signal detection theory
3.5 Perception and evolution: Sensory ecology
3.6 Search and attention
3.7 Attention and foraging: The behavioral ecology of attention
3.8 Summary
Chapter 4. Learning: Introduction and Pavlovian conditioning
4.1 General processes and \"constraints on learning\"
4.2 A framework for thinking about learning
4.3 When and how will learning evolve?
4.4 Pavlovian conditioning: Conditions for learning
4.5 What is learned?
4.6 Conditional control of behavior: Occasion setting and modulation
4.7 Effects of learning on behavior
4.8 Concluding remarks
Chapter 5. Recognition learning
5.1 Habituation
5.2 Perceptual learning
5.3 Imprinting
5.4 The behavioral ecology of social recognition: Recognizing kin
5.5. Forms of recognition learning compared
Chapter 6. Discrimination, classification, and concepts
6.1 Three examples
6.2 Untrained responses to natural stimuli
6.3 Classifying complex natural stimuli
6.4 Discrimination learning
6.5 Category discrimination and concepts
6.6 Summary and conclusions
Chapter 7. Memory
7.1 Functions and properties of memory
7.2 Methods for studying memory in animals
7.3 Conditions for memory
7.4 Species differences in memory?
7.5 Mechanisms: What is remembered and why is it forgotten?
7.6 Memory and consciousness
7.7 Summary and conclusions
Part II. Physical Cognition
Chapter 8. Getting around: Spatial cognition
8.1 Mechanisms for spatial orientation
8.2 Modularity and integration
8.3 Acquiring spatial knowledge: The conditions for learning
8.4 Do animals have cognitive maps?
8.5 Summary
Chapter 9. Timing
9.1 Circadian rhythms
9.2 Interval timing: Data
9.3 Interval timing: Theories
9.4 Two timing systems?
Chapter 10. Numerical competence
10.1 Numerosity discrimination and the analogue magnitude system
10.2 The object tracking system
10.3. Ordinal comparison: Numerosity, serial position, and transitive inference
10.4 Labels and language
10.5 Numerical cognition and comparative psychology
Chapter 11. Cognition and the consequences of behavior: Foraging, planning, instrumental learning and using tools
11.1 Foraging
11.2 Long term or short term maximizing: Do animals plan ahead?
11.3 Causal learning and instrumental behavior
11.4 Using tools
11.5 On causal learning and killjoy explanations
Part III. Social Cognition
Chapter 12. Social intelligence
12.1 The social intelligence hypothesis
12.2 The nature of social knowledge
12.3 Intentionality and social understanding
12.4 Theory of mind
12.5 Cooperation
12.6 Summary
Chapter 13. Social learning
13.1 Social learning in context
13.2 Mechanisms : Social learning without imitation
13.3 Mechanisms: Imitation
13.4 Do nonhuman animals teach?
13.5 Animal cultures?
13.6 Conclusions
Chapter 14. Communication and language
14.1 Basic issues
14.2 Natural communication systems
14.3 Trying to teach human language to other species
14.4 Language evolution and animal communication: Current directions
14.5 Conclusions
Chapter 15. Summing up and looking ahead
15.1 Modularity and the animal mind
15.2 Theory and method in comparative cognition
15.3 Humans vs. other species: Different in degree or kind?
15.4 The future: Tinbergen\'s four questions, and a fifth one