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Exposing the Magic of Design: A Practitioner\'s Guide to the Methods and Theory of Synthesis > 심리학


Exposing the Magic of Design: A Practitioner's Guide to the Methods and Theory of Synthesis
판매가격 53,000원
저자 Kolko
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Oxford USA
발행언어 영어
발행일 2011-1
페이지수 208
ISBN 9780199744336
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Introduction How to make sense of chaos A lack of method in practice leads to problems The goals of this text The immediacy of this text Section One: What is synthesis?
    Chapter 1: A Theory of Synthesis Understanding how people solve problems Acting on an informed hunch Making a judgment Using partial or incomplete information Understanding, and breaking, constraints Chapter 2: Sensemaking, Frames, Models and Patterns The nature of sensemaking in understanding The role of perspective in framing situations The importance of models in sensemaking Mental models as a specific type of cognitive representation The nature of patterns on our experiences Chapter 3: Abductive Reasoning Section Two: Design synthesis in a business context Chapter 4: The value of synthesis in driving innovation What is innovation?
    Design synthesis links innovation research and design Chapter 5: The culture of synthesis Challenging constraints and questioning purpose Being playful Experiencing flow Using visualization as a primary mechanism of thought Changing a prohibitive culture Section Three: Methods and applicability A framework for organizing synthesis methods A method selection guide Chapter 6: Methods for making meaning out of data Externalizing the process (get out of your laptop!)
    Using visual design to clean up the mess Organizing, to produce semantic relationships Prioritizing the data to emphasize what\'s important Judging the data, to reduce the quantity Enhancing the data through \"best guess\" intuitive leaps For Example: Getting to Meaning through Story Method: Affinity Diagramming How to apply this method For Example: Parallel Clustering Method: Flow Diagramming How to Apply this Method For Example: The Flow Through a Hunter Fan Thermostat A Case Study Chapter 7: Methods for building an experience framework Telling a Story.
    Changing the Scale.
    Shifting the Placements.
    Method: Concept Mapping How to Apply this Method For Example - Using Concept Maps in Product Development Method: Forced Semantic Zoom (\"Ecosystem Mapping\")
    How to Apply this Method For Example: Breakpoint Diagrams and Other Tools for Transitions Method: Forced Temporal Zoom (\"Customer Journey Mapping\")
    How to Apply this Method For Example -The Emotional Touch Points of Shopping Chapter 8: Methods for Creating Empathy and Insight Understanding Chasm 3: Empathy and Insight Method: Reframing How to Apply this Method Method: Insight Combination How to Apply this Method Conclusion Glossary Works Cited
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