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Medical Neurobiology > 생명과학


Medical Neurobiology
판매가격 79,000원
저자 Mason
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Oxford USA
발행언어 영어
발행일 2011-5
페이지수 688
ISBN 9780195339970
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    Section 1: Introduction
    1. Introduction to the nervous system
    2. Cells of the nervous system: neurons and glia
    3. Developmental overview of neuroanatomy: the tube within the brain
    Section 2: Neural communication
    4. The neuron at rest
    5. Electrical communication within a neuron
    6. Neurotransmitter release
    7. Synthesis, packaging and termination of neurotransmitters
    8. Receiving the synaptic message
    Section 3: Neuroanatomy
    9. Spinal cord: conduit between body and brain
    10. Cranial nerves: Brain sentries
    11. Brainstem organization
    12. Inside the brainstem: Cranial nerve nuclei and long-distance connections
    13. Forebrain: Action, perception, emotion, thought
    14. Following the nutrients: blood supply, blood-brain barrier, and ventricles
    Section 4: Perception
    15. Perceiving the world
    16. Seeing the world
    17. Audition: communication portal
    18. Somatosensation: Focus on pain
    19. The vestibular sense: balance and equilibrium
    Section 5: Motor control
    20. Motor control: From muscle contraction to action
    21. The motor unit and orderly recruitment
    22. Reflexes and gait
    23. From movement to action: postural stability, orienting and praxis
    24. Cerebellum
    25. Basal ganglia: action selection
    26. Gaze control
    Section 6: Homeostasis
    27. Homeostatic systems: Staying alive Section 7: You and the brain
    28. The brain in a physician\'s life Index
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