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Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight > 심리학


Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight
판매가격 19,000원
저자 Langley
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Wiley
발행언어 영어
발행일 2012-6
페이지수 352
ISBN 9781118167656
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Introduction by Dennis O’Neil, comic book writer/editor 1

    1 Beneath the Cowl: Who Is Batman? 5

    2 Which Batman? 8

    Case File 2–1: King Tut

    Case File 2–2: Mr. Freeze

    3 The Trauma 35

    4 Why the Mask? 54

    5 Why the Bat? 67

    Case File 5–1: Scarecrow

    Case File 5–2: Hugo Strange

    6 The “Superstitious, Cowardly Lot”: Criminal Nature 90

    Case File 6–1: Bane

    7 The Halloween Party: Why All the Costumed Crooks? 110

    Case File 7–1: The Riddler

    Case File 7–2: The Penguin

    Case File 7–3: Poison Ivy

    8 The Madhouse: What Insanity? 130

    Case File 8–1: The Mad Hatter

    Case File 8–2: Harley Quinn

    Case File 8–3: The Joker

    9 The Psychodynamic Duo: Freud and Jung on Batman and Robin 158

    Case File 9–1: Two-Face

    10 The Kids: Why Robin? 178

    Case File 10–1: Red Hood

    Case File 10–2: Dr. Fredric Wertham

    11 The Women: Why the Cat? 211

    Case File 11–1: Catwoman

    12 The Fathers: Why Do We Fall? 237

    Case File 12–1: Ra’s al Ghul

    13 Why So Serious? 257

    14 The Assessment: Bats in His Belfry? 266

    Notes 272

    References: Comic Books and Graphic Novels 291

    References: Not Comic Books or Graphic Novels 304

    Index 332
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