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Invasion Ecology, 2/Ed > 생명과학


Invasion Ecology, 2/Ed
판매가격 49,000원
저자 Lockwood
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Wiley-Blackwell
발행언어 영어
발행일 2013
페이지수 466
ISBN 9781444333657
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 An Introduction to Invasion Ecology 1

    What are invaders and why do we care about them? 2

    A brief history of invasion ecology 5

    The wicked terminological web we weave 7

    The invasion process 13

    Summary 18

    2 Transport Vectors and Pathways 24

    What’s the difference between a vector and a pathway? 25

    Does human-mediated dispersal differ from natural dispersal? 26

    Transport vectors 29

    Which species are transported via what vector group? 41

    Dynamics of transport pathways 44

    Summary 48

    3 Trends in Numbers of Invaders 50

    Invasion rates through time 51

    Geographic patterns in numbers of invaders 63

    Summary 72

    4 Propagules 74

    What are propagules? 75

    Donor region and propagule pressure 75

    Biological mechanisms 79

    Empirical evidence 85

    The hidden influence of propagule pressure 92

    Summary 97

    5 Disturbance 99

    History and definition of disturbance 100

    Disturbance facilitates invasion? 104

    Restoration and disturbance 112

    Agriculture and urbanization as disturbance 115

    Biotic disturbance 118

    Summary 127

    6 Establishment Success: The Influence of Biotic Interactions 129

    Conceptual issues 130

    Resistance to invasion 131

    Facilitation of establishment 146

    Summary 155

    7 Modeling the Geographical Spread of Invasive Species 157

    What exactly is geographical spread? 158

    Why do we want to model geographical spread? 162

    The reaction–diffusion model 163

    Long-distance dispersal 170

    Directional dispersal 173

    Stratified dispersal 176

    Other forms of heterogeneity 182

    Summary 187

    8 Ecological Processes and the Spread of Non-native Species 189

    Population growth 190

    Dispersal 194

    Biotic interactions 202

    The role of heterogeneity 207

    Lag times 210

    Boom and bust 215

    Summary 216

    9 Ecological Impacts of Invasive Species 218

    Genetic impacts 219

    Individual impacts 222

    Population impacts 228

    Community impacts 233

    Ecosystem impacts 240

    Landscape, regional, and global impacts 242

    Summary 244

    10 Impact Synthesis 246

    Perception and recognition of impact 247

    Integrating perception with ecological determinants of impact 255

    A theory of impact? 258

    Finding common currencies 263

    A cross-stage impact formula 273

    Summary 275

    11 Evolution of Invaders 277

    Founding process 279

    Losses and gains in genetic variability via transport mechanisms 279

    Genetics and post-release success 288

    Local adaptation and life-history evolution 291

    Evolution of native species in response to non-natives 296

    Summary 298

    12 Predicting and Preventing Invasion 299

    Explanation versus risk assessment 301

    Inherent limitations to prediction 301

    Risk analysis 303

    Screening risky species 304

    Screening risky transportation vectors 317

    Summary 333

    13 Eradication and Control of Invaders 335

    Cause for optimism? 336

    Rapid response 337

    Lazarus effect 343

    Long-term control 346

    Sisyphus effect 350

    Summary 354

    14 Global Climate Change and Invasive Species 356

    Global climate change 101 357

    Non-native species and global climate change 364

    Transport 365

    Establishment 368

    Spread 373

    Impact 379

    Human responses 387

    Summary 391

    References 393

    Index 428
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