도서 정보
도서 상세설명
Crystal Clear: Bonding and Crystal Structures
The Rejection of Perfection: Defects, Amorphous Materials, and Polymers
Stressed Out: The Mechanical Properties of Solids
In, Out, Shake It All About: Diffraction, Phonons, and Thermal Properties of Solids
Unable to Resist: Metals, Semiconductors, and Superconductors
Chips with Everything: Semiconductor Devices and Dielectrics
Living in a Magnetic World: Magnetism and Its Applications
Appendix A: Some Useful Maths
Appendix B: Vibrations and Waves
Appendix C: Revision of Atomic Physics
Appendix D: Revision of Quantum Mechanics
Appendix E: Revision of Statistical Mechanics
Appendix F: Glossary of Terms