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BeagleBone Black Cookbook > PACKT 원서리스트


BeagleBone Black Cookbook
판매가격 38,000원
저자 Hamilton
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-11
페이지수 346
ISBN 9781783982929
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Setting Up for the First Time
    First boot up
    Power requirements basic guidelines
    Essential GNU/Linux commands the command shell
    Essential GNU/Linux commands typical commands
    Edit a text file from the command shell
    Package management Installing packages using apt-get
    SSH / Remote access
    System images

    2: Basic Programming Recipes
    Introduction to BoneScript
    Toggle LED
    Using the Cloud9 IDE
    Node.js basic recipes
    Adding a new module to Node.js
    Using Node.js with Johnny-Five
    Python basic recipes
    Adding libraries
    Running a Python script to control the LEDs

    3: Physical Computing Recipes Using JavaScript, the BoneScript Library, and Python
    Controlling external LEDs
    Using buttons button press function
    Using analog sensors
    Variable resistance sensor photocell
    Using motors

    4: Exploring GNU/Linux Recipes Using Bash, Autotools, Debugger, and systemd
    The basic shell script
    Epoch Time shell script
    Compile and install
    Compile and install Git from source
    Debug a simple C-code application from the command line using GDB
    Debug an application remotely from Eclipse and GDB server
    systemd services
    Basic commands for systemd services
    Optimize boot time
    Create a systemd service to run at boot time

    5: Basic Programming Recipes with the Linux Kernel
    Kernel application binary interface
    Installing the latest kernel image
    Installing and building a custom kernel
    Interactions with the kernel sysfs entries and controlling the GPIOs
    Device Tree and its roots
    Device Tree / basic build
    Device Tree / advanced adding DT overlay to run a custom cape
    Universal cape overlay
    Running a script to check DT usage on GPIO pins

    6: Run Faster, Run Real Time
    Installing a test tool
    Modifying the kernel using RT-PREEMPT
    Modifying the kernel using Xenomai
    Programmable real-time units an introduction
    A simple PRU test with an assembler
    Running an ultrasonic range sensor with the PRUs
    Using Python with the PRUs

    7: Applied Recipes – Sound, Picture, and Video
    Wiring up a mini amp and speakers
    Creating a high-quality audio platform with Volumio
    Using videos and displays in projects
    Testing a mini LCD cape
    Making a video chat client prototype using Linphone

    8: The Internet of Things
    Location-based recipes hooking up GPS
    Location-based recipes Bluetooth LE and Beacons
    Using sensors and data with ThingSpeak
    Making things smarter building a wireless digital picture frame

    9: The Black in Outer Space
    Grabbing the International Space Station flyover data and visualizing it
    Tracking using RTL-SDR
    Airplane tracking with RTL-SDR
    Satellite tracking using GPredict and RTL-SDR
    Satellite tracking using the SatNogs Network client / ground station and RTL-SDR
    Adding other interfaces ISS tracking and text to speech

    Appendix A: Index
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