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DynamoDB Cookbook > PACKT 원서리스트


DynamoDB Cookbook
판매가격 27,000원
저자 Deshpande
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-09
페이지수 266
ISBN 97817874393755
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Taking Your First Steps with DynamoDB
    Signing up to the DynamoDB console
    Creating the DynamoDB table using the console
    Loading data into the table using the console
    Querying data using the DynamoDB console
    Deleting the DynamoDB table using the console
    Analyzing DynamoDB metric on CloudWatch
    Downloading and setting up DynamoDB Local
    Using DynamoDB Local JavaScript Shell
    Setting up AWS Command Line Interface for DynamoDB
    Setting up the Eclipse IDE

    2: Operating with DynamoDB Tables
    Creating a table using the AWS SDK for Java
    Creating a table using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Creating a table using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Updating a table using the AWS SDK for Java
    Updating a table using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Updating a table using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Listing tables using the AWS SDK for Java
    Listing tables using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Listing tables using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Deleting a table using the AWS SDK for Java
    Deleting a table using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Deleting a table using the AWS SDK for PHP

    3: Manipulating DynamoDB Items
    Putting an item into the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for Java
    Putting an item into the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Putting an item into the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Getting an item from the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for Java
    Getting an item from the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Getting an item from the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Updating an item in the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for Java
    Updating an item in the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Updating an item in the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Deleting an item from the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for Java
    Deleting an item from the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Deleting an item from the DynamoDB table using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Getting multiple items using the AWS SDK for Java
    Getting multiple items using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Getting multiple items using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Batch write operations using the AWS SDK for Java
    Batch write operations using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Batch write operations using the AWS SDK for PHP

    4: Managing DynamoDB Indexes
    Creating a DynamoDB table with a Global Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for Java
    Creating a DynamoDB table with a Global Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Creating a DynamoDB table with a Global Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Querying a Global Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for Java
    Querying a Global Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Querying a Global Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Creating a DynamoDB table with a Local Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for Java
    Creating a DynamoDB table with a Local Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Creating a DynamoDB table with a Local Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Querying a Local Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for Java
    Querying a Local Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for .Net
    Querying a Local Secondary Index using the AWS SDK for PHP
    Using a Global Secondary Index for quick lookups

    5: Exploring Higher Level Programming Interfaces for DynamoDB
    Creating a data model for the DynamoDB item using the object persistence model in Java
    Putting items into the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in Java
    Retrieving items from the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in Java
    Creating a custom object for the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in Java
    Querying items from the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in Java
    Scanning items from the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in Java
    Saving items into the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in .Net
    Retrieving items from the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in .Net
    Creating a custom object for the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in .Net
    Querying items from the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in .Net
    Scanning items from the DynamoDB table using the object persistence model in .Net

    6: Securing DynamoDB
    Creating users using AWS IAM
    Creating a DynamoDB full access group using AWS IAM
    Creating a DynamoDB read-only group using AWS IAM
    Validating the DynamoDB access controls using the AWS IAM policy simulator
    Creating the custom policy to allow the DynamoDB console access using AWS IAM
    Creating a fine-grained access control policy using AWS IAM
    Implementing the client-side encryption for the DynamoDB data
    Implementing the client-side masking for the DynamoDB data

    7: DynamoDB Best Practices
    Using a standalone cache for frequently accessed items
    Using the AWS ElastiCache for frequently accessed items
    Compressing large data before storing it in DynamoDB
    Using AWS S3 for storing large items
    Catching DynamoDB errors
    Performing auto-retries on DynamoDB errors
    Performing atomic transactions on DynamoDB tables
    Performing asynchronous requests to DynamoDB

    8: Integrating DynamoDB with other AWS Services
    Importing data from AWS S3 to DynamoDB using AWS Data Pipeline
    Exporting data from AWS S3 to DynamoDB using AWS Data Pipeline
    Accessing the DynamoDB data using AWS EMR
    Querying the DynamoDB data using AWS EMR
    Performing join operations on the DynamoDB data using AWS EMR
    Exporting data to AWS S3 from DynamoDB using AWS EMR
    Logging DynamoDB operations using AWS CloudTrail
    Exporting the DynamoDB data to AWS Redshift
    Importing the DynamoDB data to AWS CloudSearch
    Performing a full text search on the DynamoDB data using CloudSearch

    9: Developing Web Applications using DynamoDB
    Performing data modeling and table creations
    Developing services for the sign-up activity for web applications
    Developing services for the sign-in activity for web applications
    Developing services for the Address Book application
    Deploying web applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    10: Developing Mobile Applications using DynamoDB
    Performing data modeling and table creation
    Creating an identity pool using AWS Cognito
    Creating the access policy and applying it to the AWS Cognito role
    Implementing user registration services
    Implementing user login services
    Implementing add new contact services
    Implementing view contacts services

    Appendix A: Index
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