도서 정보
도서 상세설명
1: Creating Your First 3D Scene with Three.js
Requirements to use Three.js
Getting the source code
Creating the HTML skeleton
Rendering and viewing a 3D object
Adding materials, lights, and shadows
Expanding your first scene with animations
Using dat.GUI to make experimenting easier
Automatically resize the output when browser size changes
2: Basic Components That Make Up a Three.js Scene
Creating a scene
Geometries and meshes
Different cameras for different uses
3: Working with the Different Light Sources Available in Three.js
Different kinds of lighting provided by Three.js
Basic lights
Special lights
4: Working with Three.js Materials
Understanding common material properties
Starting with a simple mesh
Advanced materials
Materials you can use for a line geometry
5: Learning to Work with Geometries
The basic geometries provided by Three.js
6: Advanced Geometries and Binary Operations
Creating 3D text
Using binary operations to combine meshes
7: Particles, Sprites, and the Point Cloud
Understanding particles
Particles, THREE.PointCloud, and THREE.PointCloudMaterial
Styling particles with the HTML5 canvas
Using textures to style particles
Working with sprite maps
Creating THREE.PointCloud from an advanced geometry
8: Creating and Loading Advanced Meshes and Geometries
Geometry grouping and merging
9: Animations and Moving the Camera
Basic animations
Working with the camera
Morphing and skeletal animation
Creating animations using external models
10: Loading and Working with Textures
Using textures in materials
Advanced usage of textures
11: Custom Shaders and Render Postprocessing
Setting up Three.js for postprocessing
Postprocessing passes
Creating custom postprocessing shaders
12: Adding Physics and Sounds to Your Scene
Creating a basic Three.js scene
Material properties
Basic supported shapes
Using constraints to limit movement of objects
Appendix A: Index