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Learning Unreal Engine Game Development > PACKT 원서리스트


Learning Unreal Engine Game Development
판매가격 29,000원
저자 Lee
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2016-02
페이지수 274
ISBN 9781784398156
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: An Overview of Unreal Engine
    What goes into a game?
    What is a game engine?
    The history of Unreal Engine
    Game development
    The components of Unreal Engine 4
    Unreal Engine and its powerful editors
    Unreal programming
    A beginner's guide to the Unreal Editor

    2: Creating Your First Level
    Exploring preconfigured levels
    Creating a new project
    Navigating the viewport
    Creating a level from a new blank map
    Creating the ground using the BSP Box brush
    Adding light to a level
    Adding the sky to a level
    Adding Player Start
    Viewing a level that's been created
    Saving a level
    Configuring a map as a start level
    Adding material to the ground
    Adding a wall
    Duplicating a wall
    Creating an opening for a door
    Adding materials to the walls
    Sealing a room
    Adding props or a static mesh to the room
    Adding Lightmass Importance Volume
    Applying finishing touches to a room

    3: Game Objects – More and Move
    BSP Brush
    Static Mesh
    BSP Brush versus Static Mesh
    Making Static Mesh movable
    Level of detail
    Static Mesh creation pipeline
    Introducing volumes
    Introducing Blueprint
    Using the Trigger Volume to turn on/off light
    Using Trigger Volume to toggle light on/off (optional)

    4: Material and Light
    The Material Editor
    Rendering pipeline
    APIs DirectX and OpenGL

    5: Animation and AI
    What is animation?
    Understanding how to animate a 3D model
    What Unreal Engine 4 offers for animation in games
    Artificial intelligence

    6: A Particle System and Sound
    What is a particle system?
    Exploring an existing particle system
    The main components of a particle system
    The design principles of a particle system
    Example creating a fireplace particle system
    Sound and music
    How do we produce sound and music for games?
    Audio quality
    How are sounds recorded?
    The Unreal audio system
    Getting audio into Unreal
    Unreal sound formats and terminologies
    The Sound Cue Editor
    Exercise importing a sound into the Unreal Editor
    Exercise adding custom sounds to a level
    Configuring the Sound Cue Editor

    7: Terrain and Cinematics
    Introducing terrain manipulation
    Introducing cinematics
    Why do we need cut scenes?
    Cinematic techniques
    Getting familiar with the Unreal Matinee Editor
    Exercise creating a simple matinee sequence

    Appendix A: Index
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