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Machine Learning with Spark > PACKT 원서리스트


Machine Learning with Spark
판매가격 37,000원
저자 Pentreath
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015
페이지수 338
ISBN 9781783288519
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Getting Up and Running with Spark
    Installing and setting up Spark locally
    Spark clusters
    The Spark programming model
    The first step to a Spark program in Scala
    The first step to a Spark program in Java
    The first step to a Spark program in Python
    Getting Spark running on Amazon EC2

    2: Designing a Machine Learning System
    Introducing MovieStream
    Business use cases for a machine learning system
    Types of machine learning models
    The components of a data-driven machine learning system
    An architecture for a machine learning system

    3: Obtaining, Processing, and Preparing Data with Spark
    Accessing publicly available datasets
    Exploring and visualizing your data
    Processing and transforming your data
    Extracting useful features from your data

    4: Building a Recommendation Engine with Spark
    Types of recommendation models
    Extracting the right features from your data
    Training the recommendation model
    Using the recommendation model
    Evaluating the performance of recommendation models

    5: Building a Classification Model with Spark
    Types of classification models
    Extracting the right features from your data
    Training classification models
    Using classification models
    Evaluating the performance of classification models
    Improving model performance and tuning parameters

    6: Building a Regression Model with Spark
    Types of regression models
    Extracting the right features from your data
    Training and using regression models
    Evaluating the performance of regression models
    Improving model performance and tuning parameters

    7: Building a Clustering Model with Spark
    Types of clustering models
    Extracting the right features from your data
    Training a clustering model
    Making predictions using a clustering model
    Evaluating the performance of clustering models
    Tuning parameters for clustering models

    8: Dimensionality Reduction with Spark
    Types of dimensionality reduction
    Extracting the right features from your data
    Training a dimensionality reduction model
    Using a dimensionality reduction model
    Evaluating dimensionality reduction models

    9: Advanced Text Processing with Spark
    What's so special about text data?
    Extracting the right features from your data
    Using a TF-IDF model
    Evaluating the impact of text processing
    Word2Vec models

    10: Real-time Machine Learning with Spark Streaming
    Online learning
    Stream processing
    Creating a Spark Streaming application
    Online learning with Spark Streaming
    Online model evaluation

    Appendix A: Index
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