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Mastering GeoServer > PACKT 원서리스트


Mastering GeoServer
판매가격 43,000원
저자 Henderson
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2014
페이지수 420
ISBN 9781783287697
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Installing GeoServer for Production
    Java requirements
    Installing Apache Tomcat
    Deploying GeoServer to Apache Tomcat
    Configuring GeoServer for maximum performance and availability
    Configuring multiple GeoServer instances on a single server

    2: Working with Raster Data
    Increasing the raster formats supported by GeoServer
    How to optimize raster data for better performance
    How to serve very large raster datasets

    3: Working with Vector Data in Spatial Databases
    Database connection pooling
    JNDI connection or JDBC
    General database connection parameters
    Serving data from PostGIS
    Serving data from Oracle
    Serving data from Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Azure
    Creating SQL View layers

    4: Using GeoServer to Serve Complex Features
    The difference between simple and complex features
    Using GeoServer application schemas
    Publishing data with an application schema

    5: Using GeoServer as a Proxy
    Defining cascaded services
    Using cascaded services
    Creating a cascaded WMS connection
    Connecting to a cascaded WFS
    Extending server capabilities

    6: Controlling the Output of GeoServer
    Styling data with Styled Layer Descriptor
    Styling data using Cascaded Style Sheets
    Per-request styling of map features
    Per-request filtering of data
    Using Freemarker templates to change WMS responses

    7: Using GeoServer to Print Maps
    The GeoServer print extension
    Installing the print extension
    Configuring the print extension
    Defining print layouts
    Making print requests
    An example OpenLayers application

    8: Integrating GeoServer in a Spatial Data Infrastructure
    Definition of a spatial data infrastructure
    User perspective editing data through WFS-T
    User perspective consuming data

    9: GeoServer as a Spatial Analysis Platform
    Understanding Web Processing Services
    Installing the WPS extension
    Using WPS to perform spatial analysis
    Understanding GeoScript
    Installing the GeoScript extension
    Scripting GeoServer

    10: Enterprise Security and GeoServer
    Authentication and authorization
    Using Active Directory for user authentication and authorization
    Using Digest for user authentication
    Using HTTP Header for user authentication

    11: Monitoring the Performance and Health of GeoServer
    The importance of monitoring GeoServer
    The GeoServer monitor extension
    Stress testing GeoServer
    Analyzing the results of the stress test

    12: Optimizing GeoServer for Production
    Deploying GeoServer in a cluster
    Optimizing GeoServer
    Automatic recovery from service failures

    Appendix A: Index
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