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Mastering Python for Finance > PACKT 원서리스트


Mastering Python for Finance
판매가격 39,000원
저자 Ma
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-04
페이지수 340
ISBN 9781784394516
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Python for Financial Applications
    Is Python for me?
    Objected-oriented versus functional programming
    Which Python version should I use?
    Introducing IPython

    2: The Importance of Linearity in Finance
    The capital asset pricing model and the security market line
    The Arbitrage Pricing Theory model
    Multivariate linear regression of factor models
    Linear optimization
    Solving linear equations using matrices
    The LU decomposition
    The Cholesky decomposition
    The QR decomposition

    3: Nonlinearity in Finance
    Nonlinearity modeling
    Examples of nonlinear models
    An introduction to root-finding
    Incremental search
    The bisection method
    Newton's method
    The secant method
    Combining root-finding methods
    SciPy implementations

    4: Numerical Procedures
    Introduction to options
    Binomial trees in options pricing
    The Greeks for free
    Trinomial trees in options pricing
    Lattices in options pricing
    Finite differences in options pricing
    Putting it all together – implied volatility modeling

    5: Interest Rates and Derivatives
    Fixed-income securities
    Yield curves
    Valuing a zero-coupon bond
    Bootstrapping a yield curve
    Forward rates
    Calculating the yield to maturity
    Calculating the price of a bond
    Bond duration
    Bond convexity
    Short-rate modeling
    Bond options
    Pricing a callable bond option

    6: Interactive Financial Analytics with Python and VSTOXX
    Volatility derivatives
    Gathering the EUROX STOXX 50 Index and VSTOXX data
    Merging the data
    Financial analytics of SX5E and V2TX
    Correlation between SX5E and V2TX
    Calculating the VSTOXX sub-indices
    Calculating the VSTOXX main index

    7: Big Data with Python
    Introducing big data
    Hadoop for big data
    Is big data for me?
    Getting Apache Hadoop
    A word count program in Hadoop
    Going deeper – Hadoop for finance
    Introducing NoSQL

    8: Algorithmic Trading
    Introduction to algorithmic trading
    List of trading platforms with public API
    Which is the best programming language to use?
    System functionalities
    Algorithmic trading with Interactive Brokers and IbPy
    Building a mean-reverting algorithmic trading system
    Forex trading with OANDA API
    Building a trend-following forex trading platform
    VaR for risk management

    9: Backtesting
    An introduction to backtesting
    Designing and implementing a backtesting system
    Ten considerations for a backtesting model
    Discussion of algorithms in backtesting

    10: Excel with Python
    Overview of COM
    Excel for finance
    Building a COM server
    Building the COM client in Excel
    What else can I do with COM?

    backindex: Appendix A: Index
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