도서 정보
도서 상세설명
1: Social Media, Social Data, and Python
Getting started
Social media - challenges and opportunities
Python tools for data science
Processing data in Python
Building complex data pipelines
2: #MiningTwitter – Hashtags, Topics, and Time Series
Getting started
The Twitter API
Collecting data from Twitter
Analyzing tweets - entity analysis
Analyzing tweets - text analysis
Analyzing tweets - time series analysis
3: Users, Followers, and Communities on Twitter
Users, friends, and followers
Mining your followers
Mining the conversation
Plotting tweets on a map
4: Posts, Pages, and User Interactions on Facebook
The Facebook Graph API
Mining your posts
Mining Facebook Pages
5: Topic Analysis on Google+
Getting started with the Google+ API
Embedding the search results in a web GUI
Notes and activities from a Google+ page
Text analysis and TF-IDF on notes
6: Questions and Answers on Stack Exchange
Questions and answers
Getting started with the Stack Exchange API
Working with Stack Exchange data dumps
Text classification for question tags
7: Blogs, RSS, Wikipedia, and Natural Language Processing
Blogs and NLP
Getting data from blogs and websites
NLP Basics
8: Mining All the Data!
Many social APIs
Mining videos on YouTube
Mining open source software on GitHub
Mining local businesses on Yelp
Building a custom Python client
9: Linked Data and the Semantic Web
A Web of Data
Mining relations from DBpedia
Mining geo coordinates