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Neural Network Programming with Java > PACKT 원서리스트


Neural Network Programming with Java
판매가격 29,000원
저자 Souza
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2016-01
페이지수 244
ISBN 9781785880902
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Getting Started with Neural Networks
    Discovering neural networks
    Why artificial neural network?
    How neural networks are arranged
    Learning about neural network architectures
    From ignorance to knowledge – learning process
    Let the implementations begin! Neural networks in practice

    2: How Neural Networks Learn
    Learning ability in neural networks
    Learning paradigms
    Systematic structuring – learning algorithm
    Examples of learning algorithms
    Coding of the neural network learning
    Two practical examples

    3: Handling Perceptrons
    Studying the perceptron neural network
    Popular multilayer perceptrons (MLPs)
    Interesting MLP applications
    Learning process in MLPs
    Hands-on MLP implementation!
    Levenberg–Marquardt implementation
    Practical application – types of university enrolments

    4: Self-Organizing Maps
    Neural networks' unsupervised way of learning
    Some unsupervised learning algorithms
    Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOMs)
    Coding of the Kohonen algorithm

    5: Forecasting Weather
    Neural networks for prediction problems
    No data, no neural net – selecting data
    Adjusting values – data preprocessing
    Java implementation for weather prediction
    Empirical design of neural networks

    6: Classifying Disease Diagnosis
    What are classification problems, and how can neural networks be applied to them?
    A special type of activation function – Logistic regression
    Applying neural networks for classification
    Disease diagnosis with neural networks

    7: Clustering Customer Profiles
    Clustering task
    Applied unsupervised learning
    Customer profiling
    Implementation in Java

    8: Pattern Recognition (OCR Case)
    What is pattern recognition all about?
    How to apply neural networks in pattern recognition
    The OCR problem
    Let the coding begin!

    9: Neural Network Optimization and Adaptation
    Common issues in neural network implementations
    Input selection
    Structure selection
    Online retraining
    Adaptive neural networks
    appA: Appendix A: Setting up the NetBeans Environment
    Download and install NetBeans
    Setting up the NetBeans environment
    Importing a project
    Programming and running code with NetBeans
    Debugging with NetBeans
    appB: Appendix B: Setting Up the Eclipse Environment
    Download and install Eclipse
    Setting up the Eclipse environment
    Importing a project
    Programming and running code with the Eclipse IDE
    Debugging with the Eclipse IDE
    appC: Appendix C: References

    Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Neural Networks
    Chapter 2 - How Neural Networks Learn
    Chapter 3 - Working with Perceptrons
    Chapter 4 - Self-Organizing Maps
    Chapter 5 - Forecasting Weather
    Chapter 6 - Disease Diagnosis
    Chapter 7 - Clustering Customer Profiles
    Chapter 8 - Pattern Recognition (the OCR Case)
    Chapter 9 - Neural Network Optimization and Adaptation
    backindex: Appendix D: Index
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