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React.js Essentials > PACKT 원서리스트


React.js Essentials
판매가격 25,000원
저자 Fedosejev
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-08
페이지수 208
ISBN 9781783551620
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Installing Powerful Tools for Your Project
    Approaching our project
    Installing Node.js and npm
    Installing Git
    Getting data from the Twitter Streaming API
    Filtering data with Snapkite Engine
    Creating the project structure
    Creating package.json
    Reusing Node.js modules
    Building with Gulp.js
    Creating a web page

    2: Create Your First React Element
    Understanding the virtual DOM
    Installing React
    Creating React Elements with JavaScript
    Rendering React Elements
    Creating React Elements with JSX

    3: Create Your First React Component
    Stateless versus stateful
    Creating your first stateless React component
    Creating your first stateful React component

    4: Make Your React Components Reactive
    Solving a problem using React
    Planning your React application
    Creating a container React component

    5: Use Your React Components with Another Library
    Using another library in your React component
    Understanding React component's lifecycle methods

    6: Update Your React Components
    Understanding component lifecycle's updating methods
    Setting default React component properties
    Validating React component properties
    Creating a Collection component

    7: Build Complex React Components
    Creating the TweetList component
    Creating the CollectionControls component
    Creating the CollectionRenameForm component
    Creating the Button component
    Creating the CollectionExportForm component

    8: Test Your React Application with Jest
    Why write unit tests?
    Creating test suits, specs, and expectations
    Installing and running Jest
    Creating multiple specs and expectations
    Testing React components

    9: Supercharge Your React Architecture with Flux
    Analyzing your web application's architecture
    Understanding Flux
    Creating a dispatcher
    Creating an action creator
    Creating a store

    10: Prepare Your React Application for Painless Maintenance with Flux
    Decoupling concerns with Flux
    Refactoring the Stream component
    Creating CollectionStore
    Creating CollectionActionCreators
    Refactoring the Application component
    Refactoring the Collection component
    Refactoring the CollectionControls component
    Refactoring the CollectionRenameForm component
    Refactoring the TweetList component
    Refactoring the StreamTweet component
    Build and go beyond

    backindex: Appendix A: Index
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