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Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, 6/Ed > 열전달


Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, 6/Ed
판매가격 65,000원
저자 Howell
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 CRC
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-08
페이지수 1016
ISBN 9781466593268
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Introduction to Radiative Transfer
    Importance of Thermal Radiation in Engineering
    Thermal Energy Transfer
    Thermal Radiative Transfer
    Radiative Energy Exchange and Radiative Intensity
    Characteristics of Emission
    Radiative Energy along a Line-of-Sight
    Radiative Transfer Equation
    Radiative Transfer in Enclosures with Nonparticipating Media
    Concluding Remarks and Historical Notes
    Radiative Properties at Interfaces
    Transmissivity at an Interface
    Relations among Reflectivity, Absorptivity, Emissivity, and Transmissivity
    Radiative Properties of Opaque Materials
    Electromagnetic Wave Theory Predictions
    Extensions of the Theory for Radiative Properties
    Measured Properties of Real Dielectric Materials
    Measured Properties of Metals
    Selective and Directional Opaque Surfaces
    Concluding Remarks
    Configuration Factors for Diffuse Surfaces with Uniform Radiosity
    Radiative Transfer Equation for Surfaces Separated by a Transparent Medium
    Geometric Configuration Factors between Two Surfaces
    Methods for Determining Configuration Factors
    Constraints on Configuration Factor Accuracy
    Compilation of Known Configuration Factors and Their References: Appendix C and Web Catalog
    Radiation Exchange in Enclosures Composed of Black and/or Diffuse-Gray Surfaces
    Radiative Transfer for Black Surfaces
    Radiation between Finite Diffuse-Gray Areas
    Radiation Analysis Using Infinitesimal Areas
    Computer Programs for Enclosure Analysis
    Exchange of Thermal Radiation among Nondiffuse Nongray Surfaces
    Enclosure Theory for Diffuse Nongray Surfaces
    Directional-Gray Surfaces
    Surfaces with Directionally and Spectrally Dependent Properties
    Radiation Exchange in Enclosures with Specularly Reflecting Surfaces
    Net-Radiation Method in Enclosures Having Both Specular and Diffuse Reflecting Surfaces
    Multiple Radiation Shields
    Concluding Remarks
    Radiation Combined with Conduction and Convection at Boundaries
    Energy Relations and Boundary Conditions
    Radiation Transfer with Conduction Boundary Conditions
    Radiation with Convection and Conduction
    Numerical Solution Methods
    Numerical Integration Methods for Use with Enclosure Equations
    Numerical Formulations for Combined-Mode Energy Transfer
    Numerical Solution Techniques
    Monte Carlo Method
    Concluding Remarks
    Inverse Problems in Radiative Heat Transfer
    Introduction to Inverse Problems
    General Inverse Solution Methods
    Comparison of Methods for a Particular Problem
    Application of Metaheuristic Methods
    Unresolved Problems
    Inverse Problems at the Nanoscale
    Inverse Problems Involving Participating Media
    Concluding Remarks
    Properties of Absorbing and Emitting Media
    Spectral Lines and Bands for Gas Absorption and Emission
    Band Models and Correlations for Gas Absorption and Emission
    Gas Total Emittance Correlations
    True Absorption Coefficient
    Radiative Properties of Translucent Liquids and Solids
    Fundamental Radiative Transfer Relations
    Energy Equation and Boundary Conditions for a Participating Medium
    Radiative Transfer and Source-Function Equations
    Radiative Flux and Its Divergence within a Medium
    Summary of Relations for Radiative Transfer in Absorbing, Emitting, and Scattering Media
    Treatment of Radiation Transfer in Non-LTE Media
    Net Radiation Method for Enclosures Filled with an Isothermal Medium of Uniform Composition
    Evaluation of Spectral Geometric-Mean Transmittance and Absorptance Factors
    Mean Beam Length Approximation for Spectral Radiation from an Entire Volume of a Medium to All or Part of Its Boundary
    Exchange of Total Radiation in an Enclosure by Use of Mean Beam Length
    Optically Thin and Cold Media
    Radiative Transfer in Plane Layers and Multidimensional Geometries
    Radiative Intensity, Flux, Flux Divergence, and Source Function in a Plane Layer
    Gray Plane Layer of Absorbing and Emitting Medium with Isotropic Scattering
    Gray Plane Layer in Radiative Equilibrium
    Multidimensional Radiation in a Participating Gray Medium with Isotropic Scattering
    Solution Methods for Radiative Transfer in Participating Media
    Series Expansion and Moment Methods
    Discrete Ordinates (SN) Method
    Other Methods That Depend on Angular Discretization
    Zonal Method
    Monte Carlo Technique for Radiatively Participating Media
    Additional Solution Methods
    Comparison of Results for the Methods
    Benchmark Solutions for Computational Verification
    Inverse Problems Involving Participating Media
    Use of Mean Absorption Coefficients
    Solution Using Commercial Codes
    Conjugate Heat Transfer in Participating Media
    Radiation Combined with Conduction
    Transient Solutions Including Conduction
    Combined Radiation, Conduction, and Convection in a Boundary Layer
    Numerical Solution Methods for Combined Radiation, Conduction, and Convection in Participating Media
    Combined Radiation, Convection, and Conduction Heat Transfer
    Inverse Multimode Problems
    Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification
    Electromagnetic Wave Theory
    EM Wave Equations
    Wave Propagation in a Medium
    Laws of Reflection and Refraction
    Amplitude and Scattering Matrices
    EM Wave Theory and the Radiative Transfer Equation
    Absorption and Scattering by Particles and Agglomerates
    Absorption and Scattering: Definitions
    Scattering by Spherical Particles
    Scattering by Small Particles
    Lorenz-Mie Theory for Spherical Particles
    Prediction of Properties for Irregularly Shaped Particles
    Approximate Anisotropic Scattering Phase Functions
    Dependent Absorption and Scattering
    Near-Field Thermal Radiation
    Electromagnetic Treatment of Thermal Radiation and Basic Concepts
    Evanescent and Surface Waves
    Near-Field Radiative Heat Flux Calculations
    Computational Studies of Near-Field Thermal Radiation
    Experimental Studies of Near-Field Thermal Radiation
    Concluding Remarks
    Radiative Effects in Translucent Solids, Windows, and Coatings
    Transmission, Absorption, and Reflection of Windows
    Enclosure Analysis with Partially Transparent Windows
    Effects of Coatings or Thin Films on Surfaces
    Refractive Index Effects on Radiation in a Participating Medium
    Multiple Participating Layers with Heat Conduction
    Light Pipes and Fiber Optics
    Final Remarks
    A: Conversion Factors, Radiation Constants, and Blackbody Functions
    B: Radiative Properties
    Catalog of Selected Configuration Factors
    Exponential Integral Relations and Two-Dimensional Radiation Functions
    E: References
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