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tatistical and Machine-Learning Data Mining: Techniques for Better Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Big Data, 3/Ed > 데이터마이닝


tatistical and Machine-Learning Data Mining: Techniques for Better Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Big Data, 3/Ed
판매가격 69,000원
저자 Ratner
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 CRC
발행언어 영어
발행일 2017-06
페이지수 696
ISBN 9781498797603
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1. Introduction

    2. Science Dealing with Data: Statistics and Data Science

    3. Two Basic Data Mining Methods for Variable Assessment

    4. CHAID-Based Data Mining for Paired-Variable Assessment

    5. The Importance of Straight Data Simplicity and Desirability for Good Model-Building Practice

    6. Symmetrizing Ranked Data: A Statistical Data Mining Method for Improving the Predictive Power of Data

    7. Principal Component Analysis: A Statistical Data Mining Method for Many-Variable Assessment

    8. Market Share Estimation: Data Mining for an Exceptional Case

    9. The Correlation Coefficient: Its Values Range between Plus and Minus 1, or Do They?

    10. Logistic Regression: The Workhorse of Response Modeling

    11. Predicting Share of Wallet without Survey Data

    12. Ordinary Regression: The Workhorse of Profit Modeling

    13. Variable Selection Methods in Regression: Ignorable Problem, Notable Solution

    14. CHAID for Interpreting a Logistic Regression Model

    15. The Importance of the Regression Coefficient

    16. The Average Correlation: A Statistical Data Mining Measure for Assessment of Competing Predictive Models and the Importance of the Predictor Variables

    17. CHAID for Specifying a Model with Interaction Variables

    18. Market Segmentation Classification Modeling with Logistic Regression

    19. Market Segmentation Based on Time-Series Data Using Latent Class Analysis

    20. Market Segmentation: An Easy Way to Understand the Segments

    21. The Statistical Regression Model: An Easy Way to Understand the Model

    22. CHAID as a Method for Filling in Missing Values

    23. Model Building with Big Complete and Incomplete Data

    24. Art, Science, Numbers, and Poetry

    25. Identifying Your Best Customers: Descriptive, Predictive, and Look-Alike Profiling

    26. Assessment of Marketing Models

    27. Decile Analysis: Perspective and Performance

    28. Net T-C Lift Model: Assessing the Net Effects of Test and Control Campaigns

    29. Bootstrapping in Marketing: A New Approach for Validating Models

    30. Validating the Logistic Regression Model: Try Bootstrapping

    31. Visualization of Marketing Models: Data Mining to Uncover Innards of a Model

    32. The Predictive Contribution Coefficient: A Measure of Predictive Importance

    33. Regression Modeling Involves Art, Science, and Poetry, Too

    34. Opening the Dataset: A Twelve-Step Program for Dataholics

    35. Genetic and Statistic Regression Models: A Comparison

    36. Data Reuse: A Powerful Data Mining Effect of the GenIQ Model

    37. A Data Mining Method for Moderating Outliers Instead of Discarding Them

    38. Overfitting: Old Problem, New Solution

    39. The Importance of Straight Data: Revisited

    40. The GenIQ Model: Its Definition and an Application

    41. Finding the Best Variables for Marketing Models

    42. Interpretation of Coefficient-Free Models

    43. Text Mining: Primer, Illustration, and TXTDM Software

    44. Some of My Favorite Statistical Subroutines

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