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ARM System Developer's Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software > 마이크로프로세서


ARM System Developer's Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software
판매가격 25,000원
저자 Sloss
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2004
페이지수 689
ISBN 9781558608740
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents:
    1. ARM Embedded Systems
    1.1 The RISC Design Philosophy
    1.2 The ARM Design Philosophy
    1.3 Embedded System Hardware
    1.4 Embedded System Software
    1.5 Summary

    2 ARM Processor Fundamentals
    2.1 Registers
    2.2 Current Program Status Register
    2.3 Pipeline
    2.4 Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table
    2.5 Core Extensions
    2.6 Architecture Revisions
    2.7 ARM Processor Families
    2.8 Summary

    3 Introduction to the ARM Instruction Set
    3.1 Data Processing Instructions
    3.2 Branch Instructions
    3.3 Load-Store Instructions
    3.4 Software Interrupt Instruction
    3.5 Program Status Register Instructions
    3.6 Loading Constants
    3.7 ARMv5E Extensions
    3.8 Conditional Execution
    3.9 Summary

    4 Introduction to the Thumb Instruction Set
    4.1 Thumb Register Usage
    4.2 ARM-Thumb Interworking
    4.3 Other Branch Instructions
    4.4 Data Processing Instructions
    4.5 Single-Register Load-Store Instructions
    4.6 Multiple-Register Load-Store Instructions
    4.7 Stack Instructions
    4.8 Software Interrupt Instruction
    4.9 Summary

    5 Efficient C Programming
    5.1 Overview of C Compilers and Optimization
    5.2 Basic C Data Types
    5.3 C Looping Structures
    5.4 Register Allocation
    5.5 Function Calls
    5.6 Pointer Aliasing
    5.7 Structure Arrangement
    5.8 Bit-fields
    5.9 Unaligned Data and Endianness
    5.10 Division
    5.11 Floating Point
    5.12 Inline Functions and Inline Assembly
    5.13 Portability Issues
    5.14 Summary

    6 Writing and Optimizing ARM Assembly Code
    6.1 Writing Assembly Code
    6.2 Profiling and Cycle Counting
    6.3 Instruction Scheduling
    6.4 Register Allocation
    6.5 Conditional Execution
    6.6 Looping Constructs
    6.7 Bit Manipulation
    6.8 Efficient Switches
    6.9 Handling Unaligned Data
    6.10 Summary

    7 Optimized Primitives
    7.1 Double-Precision Integer Multiplication
    7.2 Integer Normalization and Count Leading Zeros
    7.3 Division
    7.4 Square Roots
    7.5 Transcendental Functions: log, exp, sin, cos
    7.6 Endian Reversal and Bit Operations
    7.7 Saturated and Rounded Arithmetic
    7.8 Random Number Generation
    7.9 Summary
    8 Digital Signal Processing
    8.1 Representing a Digital Signal
    8.2 Introduction to DSP on the ARM
    8.3 FIR filters
    8.4 IIR Filters
    8.5 The Discrete Fourier Transform
    8.6 Summary

    9 Exception and Interruput Handling
    9.1 Exception Handling
    9.2 Interrupts
    9.3 Interrupt Handling Schemes
    9.4 Summary

    10 Firmware
    10.1 Firmware and Bootloader
    10.2 Example: Sandstone
    10.3 Summary

    11 Embedded Operating Systems
    11.1 Fundamental Components
    11.2 Example: Simple Little Operating System
    11.3 Summary

    12 Caches
    12.1 The Memory Hierarchy and Cache Memory
    12.2 Cache Architecture
    12.3 Cache Policy
    12.4 Coprocessor 15 and Caches
    12.5 Flushing and Cleaning Cache Memory
    12.6 Cache Lockdown
    12.7 Caches and Software Performance
    12.8 Summary

    13 Memory Protection Units
    13.1 Protected Regions
    13.2 Initializing the MPU, Caches, and Write Buffer
    13.3 Demonstration of an MPU system
    13.4 Summary

    14 Memory Management Units
    14.1 Moving from an MPU to an MMU
    14.2 How Virtual Memory Works
    14.3 Details of the ARM MMU
    14.4 Page Tables
    14.5 The Translation Lookaside Buffer
    14.6 Domains and Memory Access Permission
    14.7 The Caches and Write Buffer
    14.8 Coprocessor 15 and MMU Configuration
    14.9 The Fast Context Switch Extension
    14.10 Demonstration: A Small Virtual Memory System
    14.11 The Demonstration as mmuSLOS
    14.12 Summary

    15 The Future of the Architecture
    by John Rayfield
    15.1 Advanced DSP and SIMD Support in ARMv6
    15.2 System and Multiprocessor Support Additions to ARMv6
    15.3 ARMv6 Implementations
    15.4 Future Technologies beyond ARMv6
    15.5 Conclusions
    Appendix A: ARM and Thumb Assembler Instructions

    Appendix: B ARM and Thumb Instruction Encodings
    Appendix C: Processors and Architecture
    Appendix D: Instruction Cycle Timings
    Appendix E: Suggested Reading

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