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Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics, 2/Ed > 수학/통계학


Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics, 2/Ed
판매가격 10,000원
저자 Spiegel
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 McGraw-Hill
발행언어 영어
발행일 2000
페이지수 408
ISBN 9780071350044
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Part I Probability 1
    Chapter 1 Basic Probability 3
    Random Experiments
    Sample Spaces
    The Concept of Probability
    The Axioms of Probability
    Some Important Theorems on Probability
    Assignment of Probabilities
    Conditional Probability
    Theorems on Conditional Probability
    Independent Events
    Bayes\' Theorem or Rule
    Combinatorial Analysis
    Fundamental Principle of Counting
    Tree Diagrams
    Binomial Coefficients
    Stirling\'s Approximation to n!
    Chapter 2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions 36
    Random Variables
    Discrete Probability Distributions
    Distribution Functions for Random Variables
    Distribution Functions for Discete Random Variables
    Continuous Random Variables
    Graphical Intepretations
    Joint Distributions
    Independent Random Variables
    Change of Variables
    Probability Distributions of Functions of Random Variables
    Conditional Distributions
    Applications to Geometric Probability
    Chapter 3 Mathematical Expectation 78
    Definition of Mathematical Expectation
    Functions of Randem Variables
    Some Theorems on Expectation
    The Variance and Standard Deviation
    Some Theorems on Variance
    Standardized Random Variables
    Moment Generating Functions
    Some Theorems on Moment Generating Functions
    Characteristics Functions
    Variance for Joint Distributions
    Correlation Coefficient
    Conditional Expectation, Variance, and Moments
    Chebyshev\'s Inequality
    Law of Large Numbers
    Other Measures of Central Tendency
    Other Measures of Dispersion
    Skewness and Kurtosis
    Chapter 4 Special Probability Distributions 113
    The Binomial Distribution
    Some Properties of the Binomial Distribution
    The Law of Large Numbers for Bernoulli Trials
    The Normal Distribution
    Some Properties of the Normal Distribution
    Relation Between Binomial and Normal Distributions
    The Poisson Distribution
    Some Properties of the Poisson Distribution
    Relation Between the Binomial and Poisson Distribution
    Relation Between the Poisson and Normal Distributions
    The Central Limit Theorem
    The Multinomial Distribution
    The Hypergeometric Distribution
    The Uniform Distribution
    The Cauchy Distribution
    The Gamma Distribution
    The Beta Distribution
    The Chi-Square Distribution
    Student\'s t Distribution
    The F Distribution
    Relationships Among Chi-Square, t, and F Distributions
    The Bivariate Normal Distribution
    Miscellaneous Distributions
    Part II Statistics 159
    Chapter 5 Sampling Theory 161
    Population and Sample
    Statistical Interference
    Sampling With and Without Replacement
    Random Samples
    Random Numbers
    Population Parameters
    Sample Statistics
    Sampling Distributions
    The Sample Mean
    Sampling Distribution of Means
    Sampling Distribution of Proportions
    Sampling Distribution of Differences and Sums
    The Sample Variance
    Sampling Distribution of Variances
    Case where Population Variance Is Unknown
    Sampling Distribution of Ratios of Variances
    Other Statistics
    Frequency Distributions
    Relative Frequency Distributions
    Computation of Mean, Variance, and Moments for Grouped Data
    Chapter 6 Estimation Theory 205
    Unbiased Estimates and Efficient Estimates
    Point Estimates and Interval Estimates
    Confidence Interval Estimates of Population Parameters
    Confidence Intervals for Means
    Confidence Intervals for Proportions
    Confidence Intervals for Differences and Sums
    Confidence Intervals for the Variance of a Normal Distribution
    Confidence Intervals for Variance Ratios
    Maximum Likelihood Estimates
    Chapter 7 Tests of Hypotheses and Significance 224
    Statistical Decisions
    Statistical Hypotheses
    Null Hypotheses
    Tests of Hypotheses and Significance
    Type I and Type II Errors
    Level of Significance
    Tests Involving the Normal Distribution
    One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests
    P Value
    Special Tests of Significance for Large Samples
    Special Tests of Significance for Small Samples
    Relationship Between Estimation Theory and Hypothesis Testing
    Operating Characteristic Curves
    Power of a Test
    Quality Control Charts
    Fitting Theoretical Distributions to Sample Frequency Distributions
    The Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit
    Contingency Tables
    Yates\' Correction for Continuity
    Coefficient of Contingency
    Chapter 8 Curve Fitting, Regression, and Correlation 278
    Curve Fitting
    The Method of Least Squares
    The Least-Squares Line
    The Least-Squares Line in Terms of Sample Variances and Covariance
    The Least-Squares Parabola
    Multiple Regression
    Standard Error of Estimate
    The Linear Correlation Coefficient
    Generalized Correlation Coefficient
    Rank Correlation
    Probability Interpretation of Regression
    Probability Interpretation of Correlation
    Sampling Theory of Regression
    Sampling Theory of Correlation
    Correlation and Dependence
    Chapter 9 Analysis of Variance 328
    The Purpose of Analysis of Variance
    One-Way Classification or One-Factor Experiments
    Total Variation
    Variation Within Treatments
    Variation Between Treatments
    Shortcut Methods for Obtaining Variations
    Linear Mathematical Model for Analysis of Variance
    Expected Values of the Variations
    Distributions of the Variations
    The F Test for the Null Hypothesis of Equal Means
    Analysis of Variance Tables
    Modifications for Unequal Numbers of Observations
    Two-Way Classification or Two-Factor Experiments
    Notation for Two-Factor Experiments
    Variations for Two-Factor Experiments
    Analysis of Variance for Two-Factor Experiments
    Two-Factor Experiments with Replication
    Experimental Design
    Chapter 10 Nonparametric Tests 363
    The Sign Test
    The Mann-Whitney U Test
    The Kruskal-Wallis H Test
    The H Test Corrected for Ties
    The Runs Test for Randomness
    Further Applications of the Runs Test
    Spearman\'s Rank Correlation
    Appendix A Mathematical Topics 389
    Appendix B Ordinates (y) of the Standard Normal Curve at z 392
    Appendix C Areas under the Standard Normal Curve from 0 to z 393
    Appendix D Percentile Values t[subscript p] for Student\'s t Distribution with v Degrees of Freedom 394
    Appendix E Percentile Values [characters not reproducible] for the Chi-Square Distribution with v Degrees of Freedom 395
    Appendix F 95th and 99th Percentile Values for the F Distribution with v[subscript 1], v[subscript 2] Degrees of Freedom 396
    Appendix G Values of e[superscript - lambda] 398
    Appendix H Random Numbers 399
    Subject Index 401
    Index for Solved Problems 407
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